Ricardo Dominguez Jover (Valencia, 1975). Telecommunication Engineer by the Technical University of Valencia and Advanced Studies in Science and Culture by Autonomous University of Madrid. He is currently the Director of "Robotic Online Short Film Festival" and CEO of "El Caleidoscopio Proyectos de Ciencia y Cultura S.L.", a company born with a clear objective: the development of projects that embrace social, cultural, scientific and technological fields.
Since 2001 he has alternated and sometimes combined his work as a network engineer (Editorial Prensa Ibérica, University Miguel Hernandez), with his work in the world of Scientific Culture (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), "El Caleidoscopio"). As a researcher, he has participated in congresses of Philosophy of Science, Science Policy and Social Science Communication. In these 15 years higlights his work as Project Manager of the Year of Science in FECYT and creating projects like "Big Neurona" or the contest of Robotic Theatre "Programa tu Obra" from "El Caleidoscopio".