The Construct

Adjust how you learn and quickly pick up robotics programming

"The biggest obstacle preventing robotics going mainstream is not having good programmers able to program robots," Brian Gerkey, CEO of the Open Source Robotics Foundation. Learning to program robots...
06 October 2016, by

NASA Robonaut 2 simulation: Placing an ISS panel in The Construct

By Miguel Angel One of the most wanted robot simulations is a robot that can be used for anything. Robonaut is one like this. NASA kindly gave this simulation for public use and we thought here in ...
24 June 2016, by

Robot Launch global robotics startup competition announces top 15 finalists

Robot Launch is the first international startup competition designed specifically to help robotics entrepreneurs get off the ground. Now in it’s second year, Robot Launch has attracted a diverse ran...
09 September 2015, by and

#RobotLaunch2015 Finals announced, plus final round of Readers Pick

The Robot Launch competition finals will be held on Friday Sept 18 when a selection of great startups will pitch live to an investor panel. Are Robohub readers on the same wavelength as our expert pa...
02 September 2015, by

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