
Up and flying with the AR.Drone and ROS: Joystick control

  04 Jan 2013
This is the second tutorial in the Up and flying with the AR.Drone and ROS series. In this tutorial we will: Talk about the ROS communication hierarchy Setup a joystick to work with ROS ...

Robotic kit for kids

  04 Jan 2013
The Hummingbird robotics kit is a spin-off product of Carnegie Mellon's CREATE lab. Hummingbird is designed to enable engineering and robotics activities for ages 10 and up that involve the making of ...

Up and flying with the AR.Drone and ROS: Getting started

  10 Dec 2012
Updated December 17th. In this tutorial (#1) we will: Install ROS, the AR.Drone driver and AR.Drone keyboard controller Fly the AR.Drone using the provided keyboard controller...

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