Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE: Semi-finalists set sail on a journey to illuminate the ocean

We have just taken another momentous step in the journey to unveil the hidden wonders of our own planet! Since the launch of the Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE at the American Geophysical Union Fall ...
22 February 2017, by

‘Moon Shot’ nine-part documentary series available on YouTube

The nine-part documentary web series about the Google Lunar XPRIZE that first launched on Google Play is now available YouTube....
18 March 2016, by

XPRIZE calling all innovators to help map our ocean

There is a very interesting planet near us. It has almost 130 million square miles of land and the longest continuous mountain chain in the solar system, spanning over 40,000 miles. This planet receiv...
29 December 2015, by

New $7M XPRIZE competition seeks to usher in a new era of ocean exploration

At a keynote address this week during the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco, Peter Diamandis, chairman and CEO of XPRIZE, announced the launch of the $7M Shell Ocean Discover...
17 December 2015, by

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