
Download Robohub’s Ambassador Brochure

Are you a member of the public with a robotics-related question or idea?

Are you a researcher, roboticist or avid hobbyist with great research project, event, product or campaign you want to tell us about?

Are you a blogger or a member of the media looking to connect?

We’d love to hear from you!

Robohub is a non-profit mostly run by volunteers who are passionate about robotics and science communication. The current team includes 15 people from 8 countries around the globe and includes bloggers, robotics researchers, journalists, podcast producers, web developers, and a professional bus driver.

One of our core missions at Robohub is to create a direct line of communication between robotics researchers/developers and the general public. Our comments platform is set up to facilitate discussion, and we actively encourage our readers to ask questions, and our contributors to respond. If you want to promote intelligent, public engagement in robotics, Robohub is the place for you.

– Robohub Editors


Suggest a topic/Submit a news tip
Please describe the topic or news tip you would like to share with us in 100 words or less, along with any relevant URLs to editors[at] While we make every effort to respond to your suggestions, please remember that Robohub is primarily run by volunteers and it may take some time to get back to you.


Submit a press release
Send your press release to editors[at], along with any relevant URLs and press-ready images.

Please note that the reprinting of Press Releases is at the Editor’s discretion, and will be based on the story’s relevance to the robotics community. Preference will be given to releases that include one or more high-quality images (minimum width 715 pixels). Images should be emailed as separate files, and not embedded in the press release document; please include a list of photo captions and credits where applicable.


Submit an event to the Robohub Event Calendar
Send an email to calendar[at] with the following information:

  • Event Title
  • Location (Venue name, City, Country)
  • Dates/Times
  • Description
  • URL

Please note that only events of relevance to the robotics community will be listed.  Publication of listings is at the editor’s discretion.


Write an article
You do not need to be an accomplished writer or published author to have your story published on Robobub. If your story is worthwhile, we will assign an editor to assist you. Feel free to be creative: you don’t have to submit a traditional article, as long as it tells a great story and has your personal style; audio interviews, videos, infographics and illustrations are just fine!

Be sure you check out Robohub’s archives before submitting to get a sense of the kind of articles we publish. Events coverage, research, crowdfunding campaigns, opinion pieces, tutorials, and reviews all make for welcome submissions. Here are just a few examples:

The main thing is to make sure our readers understand why your work is important/exciting. In particular, our readers are looking for:

  • A behind the scenes look at the (often non-linear) development process of a robotics project or happening. This is less about news, and more about getting people to understand what is actually going on from a high level technical and project development perspective.
  • Some great photos and/or video footage
  • Key Info: Who’s involved in the project, Where it’s happening, links to websites, project status

To pitch us your idea, send an email to editors[at], with the following:

  • Summarize your pitch in 100 words or less
  • Tell us about the article format you are planning (Review, podcast, research article, etc.)
  • Tell us: Has this article already been written? (If so, please attach the article and relevant images to the email. See submission guidelines below.)
  • Tell us: Has the article already been published? If so, where?

Submission Guidelines:
Please note that acceptance of your article is at the Editor’s discretion, and will be based on the story’s relevance to the robotics community. Remember that Robohub is primarily run by volunteers: if your story is time-sensitive, please be sure to contact us well in advance of your deadline. While we are able to assist you with editing if needed, this may result in publishing delays.

Preference will be given to previously unpublished work that includes one or more high-quality images (minimum width 715 pixels). Images should be uploaded as separate files, and not embedded in the document; please include a list of photo captions and credits where applicable.

Submit a Call for Papers (CFP) Send an email to calendar[at] with the following information:

  • Event Title
  • Location (Venue name, City, Country)
  • Dates/Times of event
  • Dates/Times of the submission deadline
  • Description of the event, including invited speakers if applicable
  • Summary of the Call, including list of topics
  • URL of the event’s homepage
  • URL of the CFP
  • List of the organizers

Please note that only CFP’s of relevance to the robotics community will be listed.  Publication of a call is at the editor’s discretion. See here for a sample listing.


Propose a Focus Series
Every month or two, Robohub runs a Focus Series on a topic that is of special interest to the robotics community. Focus series usually consist of 8-15 articles and interviews that represent a variety of perspectives on a given topic. Past examples include:

Editors interested in coordinating a focus series may submit a proposal to our editorial team for consideration. Please send an email to editors[at] with the following:

  • Please summarize your idea for the series in 500 words or less
  • List confirmed contributors, including links to their websites/blogs/other published work
  • Link to your blog/research page/homepage
  • Feel free to attach any finished articles and relevant images

Please note that acceptance of your proposal is at the discretion of our editorial team, and will be based on the series’ relevance to the robotics community. Preference will be given to previously unpublished work. As Guest Editor, you will be responsible for coordinating and editing all articles in the series, as well as for writing the series introduction. Please allow at least two weeks for a response.


Send us your product to review
Robohub publishes reviews of books, educational products, software and more.

Have you produced a robotics-related product that you would like us to review? Please send an email to editors[at] with the following:

  • Please describe your product in 300 words or less
  • Tell us: Has this product already been reviewed? If so, where?
  • Link to your blog/research page/homepage
  • Feel free to attach product specs or relevant images

Product reviews are conducted at the discretion of the editorial team. Please allow at least two weeks for a response.


Connect to a robotics expert
When you need to talk to a robotics expert about a specific question, you don’t always know what door to knock on. Robohub can introduce qualified journalists to robotics professionals, including professors at all major universities and leading robotics
companies and startups world-wide. Says Robohub contributor and expert networker Andra Keay: “We’re able to bridge that gap.”

Send an email explaining your needs and your timeline to info[at]

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