#ICRA2022 Science Communication Awards
Number of awards: 2
Amount: travel and accommodation (up to 2k) + free registration
Application deadline: 22 April 2022
We are offering up to 2 Science Communication Awards to motivated roboticists keen on helping us cover ICRA. Your coverage could include videos, interviews, podcasts, blogs, social media, or art. Please apply by sending the following information by April 22 to sabine.hauert@bristol.ac.uk with the subject [ICRA SciCommAward]:
- Name
- Who you are (one paragraph)
- Previous experience in science communication (one paragraph with links to material)
- What you’d like to cover at ICRA and where you will publish material produced (one paragraph)
- Agreement to cross-post your content to the ICRA website or other third-party channels (yes/no).
- Estimated travel budget
Awards will be announced on 25 April.
Grants - Investment,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
is an annual academic conference covering advances in robotics.