robot ethics

RoboLaw: Regulating robotics (video)

  14 Feb 2017
What legal rights should a robot have? In this video, Polo Sant'Anna Valdera, one of the leading research centres for robotics, raises this important question. Innovation raises new legal and ethica...

Quest for Roboethics: An interview with Prof. Rafael Capurro

  14 Feb 2017
In this interview, we invited Prof. Rafael Capurro to share his insights on past, current, and future trends in robot ethics....

Open Roboethics initiative delivers statement to United Nations CCW

On Friday November 13th, AJung Moon from the Open Roboethics initiative delivered a statement at the United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) Meeting of States Parties....

How ethical is your ethical robot?

  13 Nov 2015
If you're in the business of making ethical robots, then sooner or later you have to face the question: how ethical is your ethical robot? If you've read my previous blog posts then you will probably...

Teaching robots to behave ethically

and   05 May 2015
What should a robot nurse do when a cancer patient begs for more morphine but the supervising doctor is not available to approve the request? Should a self-driving car prevent its owner from taking ov...

Should a care robot bring an alcoholic a drink? It depends on who owns the robot

In a care scenario, a robot may have been purchased by the patient, by the doctor or hospital (which sent it home with the patient to monitor their health), or by a concerned family member who wants t...

Should ownership influence the decision-making of a care robot?

For the past few months, the Open Roboethics initiative have been exploring the topic of care robots. During one of our meetings, we got into a discussion about whether the ownership of a robot sho...

Robo-Wars: The regulation of robotic weapons

Robotic weapons, whether autonomous or remote controlled, have generated widespread controversy in recent years. Alex Leveringhaus, James Martin Fellow, Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed ...

Clearpath’s public stance on Killer Robots sets precedence in corporate responsibility

  20 Aug 2014
Last week the Waterloo-based Clearpath publicly pledged not to develop lethal autonomous weapons, otherwise known as "killer robots". In an open letter to the public, Clearpath's CTO Ryan Gariepy wr...

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