RoboJobs is a new dedicated jobs board for the global robotics community that connects both seasoned robotics experts and recent top graduates with entrepreneurs and established businesses seeking the brightest minds to fill their ranks. We’ve just launched our beta site in collaboration with Silicon Valley Robotics in an effort to connect our readers with the top jobs in robotics. Roboticists can post their resumes and view ads for free. Prospective employers can publish job postings at competitive rates, and at the same time know that the dollars they are spending will help support Robohub’s non-profit efforts to bring you the latest in robotics news.
Focus your job search, and introduce yourself to the robotics companies and research labs that are hiring. Posting your resume is free; use RoboJobs location and keyword filters to target your search.
RoboJobs is promoted through the Robohub and Silicon Valley Robotics websites and newsletters, and our combined readership (more than 55K unique visitors each month from across the world) is highly educated in robotics and related disciplines. 30-day postings and packages are available, as well as bulk rates. And until the end of May we are offering a discount on all listings.