
Beaming-in to RoboBusiness 2013

RoboBusiness 2013, held last week at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Silicon Valley, was a revitalized example of previous RoboBusiness events. Throughout the three-day event, there was renewed e...
27 October 2013, by

Frank Tobe on “Is open source a good business model for robotics?”

To be able to choose between proprietary software packages is to be able to choose your master. Freedom means not having a master. Freedom means not using proprietary software. - Richard Stallman, o...
09 October 2013, by

Co-robots really ARE a BIG thing

UPDATED: October 6, 2013 Small and medium shops and factories (SMEs) are an untapped marketplace for robotics but direly in need of automation to remain competitive in this global economy. Two ne...
05 October 2013, by

SwRI sets low-cost ROS-I consortium membership entry fees

Shaun Edwards, a senior research engineer in SwRI's Automation and Data Systems Division, having recognized a need for standardized software that could easily be ported from one industrial robot to an...
02 November 2012, by

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