Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2009-12-03
In this talk Professor Lueg will discuss how embodiment and scaffolding perspectives discussed in the ShanghAI Lectures on Natural and Artificial Intelligence can also be used to look at, and re-interpret, research topics in human computer interaction ranging from human information behavior in the real world to information interaction in online communities. In his work Professor Lueg understands human computer interaction as interaction with pretty much any kind of computer-based system ranging from desktop computers and mobile phones to microwave ovens and parking meters.
The ShanghAI Lectures are a videoconference-based lecture series on Embodied Intelligence run by Rolf Pfeifer and organized by me and partners around the world.
Dr. sc.nat. Christopher Lueg is Professor of Computing at the University of Tasmania (Australia) where he established the ‘Information and Interaction’ research group. He was also a Research Fellow of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) for 2009-2012. Christopher’s research interests tend to manifest at the intersection of computer science, information science and cognitive science. He is teaching and researching in areas including human-computer interaction (HCI), computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), ubiquitous computing and context awareness, human information behavior and online communities. He edited (with Danyel Fisher, Microsoft Research) the book ‘From Usenet to CoWebs: Interacting with Social Information Spaces’ published by Springer in the CSCW series. His research students made him drink a Funky Monkey at Oomph.
The ShanghAI lectures have brought us a treasure trove of guest lectures by experts in robotics. You can find the whole series from 2012 here. Now, we’re bringing you the guest lectures you haven’t yet seen from previous years, starting with the first lectures from 2009 and releasing a new guest lecture every Thursday until all the series are complete. Enjoy!