Many of us from the Robohub team were at the landmark Uncanny Valley session at IROS this year – it turned out to be one of those wish-I’d-been-there events for anyone unlucky enough to have missed it.
Even people who were attending that day knew they would want to relive the experience: I was recording audio of the speakers for my notes, and several people sitting nearby slipped me their cards in hope that I would share the file with them later.
Lucky for all of us, Erico Guizzo captured the whole session on video and this is now available, along with some follow-up footage on IEEE Spectrum. Freshly posted today.
I do not normally shout, but if you did not see this session live, GO SEE IT NOW!!
In case you are unfamiliar with the concept, he also just posted this fun piece where the speakers try to explain the Uncanny Valley in less than one minute.