Robot Launch 2014 – Robohub People’s Choice Round One

23 April 2014

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For the next three weeks, Robohub readers can vote for the “People’s Choice” startup from the Robot Launch competition. Each week, we’re going to publish 10 videos from our Top 30 and during our live final on May 20, you can vote for the ultimate “People’s Choice” winner. This week’s videos (in alphabetic order) are:

3DOF Robotics | australia

3DOF Robotics have a VTOL aerial vehicle capable of shared autonomy for inspection of vertical structures difficult or dangerous for human inspection.

Avidbots | canada

Avidbots is automating the most labor and time-intensive portion of commercial floor cleaning. This automation will make commercial floor cleaning more efficient and cost-effective than ever before.

Cloudy Robotics | canada

Cloudy Robotics aims to build a cloud platform for consumer robotics. Much like cloud platform solutions are becoming available for the Internet of Things (i.e. Xively, Thingworx and Carriots) robotics needs an open platform for its specific needs like real-time telepresence control, offloaded processing and code updates.

DoBots | the netherlands

DoBots builds services for groups of robots. Our software allows the robots to coordinate and cooperate and report their progress to human supervisors. The first service that will be commercially deployed is a coordination service for robots that are cleaning a supermarket.

Erle Robotics | spain

At Erle Robotics we are designing the first open, low cost Personal Drone, the next generation of flying computers that will be used to teach, learn and research about flying robots.

Jammster | usa

In the US alone, over 140,000 quadriplegics require the constant attention of expensive in-home caregivers. Our mission is to create an affordable mobile robotic assistant that will provide these people with greater independence and an improved quality of life. We have a prototype, called Jammster, that consists of a dual-arm human friendly robot that has been mounted on a mobile base.

Mighty Mount | usa

Although technology has allowed advances in video recording devices, the technology enabling more advanced camera mounts has been lagging. The solution is an automated camera mount that records moving objects for you, be it yourself or your friends.

Odd I/O (Wigl) | usa

Wigl is an educational interactive robot with a musical ear (developed right here in Portland). The idea is that Wigl can “hear” notes and responds with different movements (and dances). My goal is to have children enjoy the positive physical feedback that they receive while playing an instrument (e.g. a recorder) and make a connection with a toy that fully appreciates their musical talents!

RoboTar | usa

RoboTar is the first Portable robotic chord hand for guitar. It is a device paired with software running in a laptop or Android device to play guitar using only a one hand to strum or pick and a foot pedal or single push button to change chords.

Tandemech Engineering | usa

Tandemech Engineering is a California-based robotics startup, focusing on wall-climbing robotic platforms. The technology we have developed has allowed our proof-of-concept to outperform any wall-climber ever developed. We hope to continue to adapt our technology into vehicles to deploy testing, inspection, and potentially even manufacturing equipment into places that have previously been prohibitive to access.


(ok, voting is getting a little crazy so this is a new more robust poll – old votes still count and we’re also going to give favorable weight to positive comments for startups left in the comments section below the poll)


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Andra Keay is the Managing Director of Silicon Valley Robotics, founder of Women in Robotics and is a mentor, investor and advisor to startups, accelerators and think tanks, with a strong interest in commercializing socially positive robotics and AI.
Andra Keay is the Managing Director of Silicon Valley Robotics, founder of Women in Robotics and is a mentor, investor and advisor to startups, accelerators and think tanks, with a strong interest in commercializing socially positive robotics and AI.

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