Bernard Horan presents an overview of a trial undertaken at the University of Essex in the use of a mixed-reality teaching environment. The lecture includes a summary of the motivations for mixed reality teaching, its implementation using Project Wonderland and a summary of the results of the trial. From the 2009 ShanghAI Lecture series.
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2009-10-22
Bernard Horan works for Sun Microsystems Laboratories as a senior staff engineer. His current research uses Project Wonderland and includes: an investigation into the use of 3d recording and playback; and the utility of mixed reality teaching to bridge the gap between local and physically remote students. Bernard’s earlier published research includes the semantic web and wireless sensor networks. Bernard is also a Visiting Fellow at the University of Essex, UK.
The ShanghAI lectures have brought us a treasure trove of guest lectures by experts in robotics. You can find the whole series from 2012 here. Now, we’re bringing you the guest lectures you haven’t yet seen from previous years, starting with the first lectures from 2009 and releasing a new guest lecture every Thursday until all the series are complete. Enjoy!