agricultural robotics

Down on the robofarm |

"Soon, we might see fields with agribots that can identify individual seedlings and coax them along with tailored drops of fertiliser and measured sips of water. Other machines would distinguish weeds...
26 October 2012, by

“Lettuce Bot” rolls through crops, terminates weeds it visually identifies | Singularity Hub

"This agricultural robot is the product of Blue River Technology, an Indiana-based startup founded last year by two Stanford alums. The company looks to disrupt the herbicide industry by using sophist...
19 September 2012, by

Field robotics, with Salah Sukkarieh

Link to audio file (29:22)Link to transcriptIn this episode, we talk to Salah Sukkarieh, Director of Research and Innovation at the Australian Centre for Field Robotics (ACFR). He gives us an overview...
10 August 2012, by

Video: new remote sensors from Agri Con at DLG Field Days

See on - Cultibotics Hermann Leithold, product manager for Agri Con, explains the company’s precision technologies at its display at DLG Field Days in Bernburg-Strenzfeld, Germany, held ...
09 July 2012, by

10th annual Field Robot Event underway

This year's Field Robot Event (FRE 2012) began today and runs through Saturday. I will bring together what reports I am able to find once the dust settles, but meanwhile you can view videos from past ...
28 June 2012, by

Nikolaus Correll at TEDx Front Range 2012

  University of Colorado Assistant Professor Nikolaus Correll, speaking at TEDx Front Range earlier this year, outlined his vision for transforming agriculture through robotic cultivation. ...
16 June 2012, by

2012 Field Robot Event, June 28th – 30th

  This will be the 10th edition of the Field Robot Event. Organized by Fontys University of Applied Sciences and Wageningen UR (University & Research), it will be held in Venlo, The Nether...
16 June 2012, by

Agricultural robotics at the European Robotics Forum 2012

A press release issued by the European Robotics Platform website regarding agricultural robotics as a presence at the European Robotics Forum 2012 makes plain not only that there is a significant leve...
16 April 2012, by

Australian research organization’s description of agricultural robotics

On a web page describing their current efforts in agricultural robotics, CSIRO ICT Centre describes the focus area this way: The application of field robotics to agriculture is an emerging area of ...
09 January 2012, by

Reforming agriculture through more sophisticated mechanization

Historically, at least since the mechanization of agriculture began in earnest, there have been two primary measures of agricultural productivity, the amount that could be grown on a given acreage and...
10 December 2011, by



Made in Brazil, with Marcelo Becker and Marcel de Sena Dall’Agnol

Link to audio file (28:29)In today’s show, we take you all the way to Brazil. Marcelo Becker from the University of São Paulo (USP) talks to us about how mobile robots are going to help change ...
04 November 2011, by

Agricultural robotics and employment

At least with regard to agriculture, the effect of robotics upon employment depends on the approach taken. If your goal is to further reduce the number of people deriving an income from farming, and y...
12 June 2011, by



Robots Podcast: Harvest automation, with Joe Jones

Link to audio file (26:01)In today’s episode we look at a new market in robotics with huge potential, agriculture. With us, Joe Jones, co-founder of Harvest Automation and father of the Roomba...
14 January 2011, by

The potential of agriculture as a market for robotics

When I imagine robots tending land, it's nearly always machines that are supported from above, on a beam that itself is supported by wheels running either on rails or in troughs that double as a deliv...
16 August 2010, by

Why use robots, round 5

Figuratively speaking, a robot is a machine with a brain. They don't really have brains, of course; they have processors and programs, which would be depicted on some low-detail flowchart as lying be...
16 November 2007, by

Getting there from here, round 2

While it's inevitable that agriculture will eventually incorporate robotics to some degree, what form that takes is a wide open question, one that, left to itself, would eventually find an answer driv...
10 November 2007, by

Why use robots, round 3

Why use robots to do what people can do, when there are so many unemployed?   Before responding to that question, let me turn it around. Why, given that there are no laws preventing them f...
15 September 2007, by

Getting there from here

If you look at the current state of agriculture, and also at the preponderance of robotics work related to it, there isn't much encouragement to be found for a vision of machines bringing better pract...
07 June 2007, by

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