Drones, lights and nature combine in Drone Courtship, a short movie about a magical encounter between two flying robots set in a forest of centennial trees. A collaboration between Atelier D. Schlae...
Flyability, a spin off company from LIS, EPFL and NCCR Robotics, has won the $1M inaugural UAE Drones for Good competition with Gimball, the world’s first crash resilient drone....
“Flyability SA is proud to announce that it has won the UAE Drones for Good Award, an international competition with a $1M prize money to reward uses of drones which have a positive impact on humani...
Gimball is a flying robot that survives collisions. It weighs just 370g for 34cm in diameter. Photo credit: A. Herzog, EPFL.
Generally, flying robots are programmed to avoid obstacles, which is far ...