When Google bought Boston Dynamics last December, the news made headlines, but it was not the first time the Internet giant has invested in DARPA-funded robotics. As part of Robohub's Big Deals series...
Boston Dynamics' BigDog.
When we imagine the future of warfare, we often envision a battlefield where humanoid robots and other machines fight alongside or in the place of human soldiers. From the dr...
As guest speaker for a CMURobotics RI Seminar, titled Lessons Learned Bootstrapping a Robotic Vehicle Company, Mel Torrie of Autonomous Solutions (Petersboro, Utah), describes how he got into robotics...
SAIC has published a conceptual video that demonstrates how its DARPA-funded unmanned drone ship will hunt and track enemy submarines.See on www.gizmag.com...
According to the Popular Science website “This newly-released video of a November 5 flight over the Diablo Range in California shows a U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopter autonomously navi...
“Most people see drones as a controversial weapon prowling over foreign battlegrounds. But as America's military campaigns wind down, these machines are coming home and set to change civilian li...
The Inkwell discussion mentioned below is now underway. See Inkwell.vue topic #352 on The WELL.
For two weeks, beginning April 29th, Brookings Institution Senior Fellow P.W. Singer will be o...