The IT economy has powerfully demonstrated what happens when companies can leverage open source infrastructure when they build new products and services. A company like Google would never have come ...
UPDATED: October 6, 2013
Small and medium shops and factories (SMEs) are an untapped marketplace for robotics but direly in need of automation to remain competitive in this global economy. Two ne...
ROS-I is developing and promoting a manufacturer-independent open-source library of drivers and the transfer of established components from research to industry - not just h/w interfaces and MS, IOS a...
So, depending on who you ask, Willow Garage is shutting down, pursuing commercial interests, or changing direction. But things are not as dire as some may think: ROS is fine (the OSRF will support it)...
For many years now Willow Garage has invested in open source and open platform robotics. Their goal has been a reflection of the vision of it's founder (and chief funder) to advance the state of robot...
Today's robotics industry could use some strategic guidance,
particularly in the area of healthcare.
It is clear to me that the next big markets for robotics are:
SMEs (robot...
The past year was a watershed moment for robotics. From defense to exploration, startups to legislation, we saw products, laws, and investments that have shifted robotics out of the lab and into our l...
... In 2011, Motoman USA partnered with SwRI (Southwest Research Institute) to enable ROS software to be available to Motoman users. “The next step for industrial robotics is to be more sensor a...
Shaun Edwards, a senior research engineer in SwRI's Automation and Data Systems Division, having recognized a need for standardized software that could easily be ported from one industrial robot to an...
Open-source software is making it easier to reuse algorithms and allow engineers and researchers to focus on their problems of interest instead of reinventing the wheel for each project. Not an expert...
The PartnerBot Grant Program is a one-year commitment during which a prestigious research team will use the Clearpath Robotics Husky A200 to pursue its research goal, publish for public review, and ad...
A version of this post originally appeared on Singularity Hub, June 6, 2012.By Frank Tobe, Editor and PublisherThe Robot ReportRobot manufacturers are beginning to shift theirattention from industrial...
Robot manufacturers are beginning to shift their
attention from industrial to service robots.
The robotics industry is on the cusp of a major transformation. Today’s factory robots are solit...
ROSCon 2012 Keynote, by Morgan Quigley, with introduction by Brian Gerkey, Part 1 of 2.
(Duration 23:46) Post revised 08Aug2012....
This video introduces TurtleBot 2, which was shown this past weekend at ROSCon 2012. TurtleBot 2, built around an iClebo Kobuki from Korean firm Yujin Robot, improves upon...
Announced via the Willow Garage website, the Open Source Robotics Foundation, Inc. (OSRF) is an independent non-profit organization founded by members of the global robotics community. Its mission is ...
A version of this post originally appeared on Automaton, IEEE Spectrum's robotics blog.By Frank Tobe, editor/publisher, The Robot ReportWhat's the best approach to building commercially successful rob...
What's the best approach to building commercially successful robotics companies? Here are two arguments from two prominent people in the robotics industry:
Identify a need that can be filled with...
Two heads are generally better than one, and while that truism doesn't necessarily scale very well, it can and often does in the open source software movement.
Willow Garage is out to make it...