Surprise! Robots are much more popular than expected!
Robots on Tour started off on Friday 8 March 2013 with a scientific symposium at café/bar Sphères in Zurich, Switzerland. Big names from the...
This is a brief presentation of some of the most widely used robots (or remotely controlled, semi-autonomous systems) from militaries around the world. There are numerous other projects that are curre...
Designing robots that can function outside of controlled, factory environments isn’t easy. When those environments have people in them, they are especially unpredictable and difficult for a robot to...
German KUKA youBot Store has announced a new initiative to promote education in mobile manipulation. Research groups and labs in universities and public research facilities are invited to organize an ...
Toys often precede more serious inventions. So, putting judgement aside, and withholding laughs and other "tells", here are some new robotic toys and gadgets hitting the market this year....
Two of the most challenging problems tackled with quadrocopters so far are balancing an inverted pendulum and juggling balls. My colleagues at ETH Zurich's Flying Machine Arena have now combined the t...
Sensefly just released a fun video of their latest product, eBee, autonomously flying over an alpine landscape near the Matterhorn while performing 2D and 3D mapping....
Bolt, Ben Einstein's hardware and robotics accelerator in Boston, today announced the close of their first funding round and the opening of the first round of applications for 2013 hardware startups. ...
Funding new robotic projects in America is mostly done two different ways:
(1) strategic funding from NASA, DARPA, DoD, NSF and other government organizations to do the pure science involved in sol...
So, depending on who you ask, Willow Garage is shutting down, pursuing commercial interests, or changing direction. But things are not as dire as some may think: ROS is fine (the OSRF will support it)...
NERVE, the New England Robotics Validation and Experimentation Center at UMass Lowell, when it opens tomorrow, will be one of three such facilities in the United States. Incorporating elements of NIST...
We all know that robots are the gateway to STEM education, so what's not to love about getting 4 robots in a box, complete with lessons preloaded on a tablet. As both the US and UK undergo core curric...
The Argo project, which has deployed a network of more than 3'600 robots covering all of the world's oceans, has returned it's 1'000'000th measurement....
Samsung today offered hope to robot startups with the launch of its new Catalyst Fund, a $100 million commitment to the development of components, subsystems and disruptive technology. This is almost ...
During the 20 minute presentation, Raffaello D'Andrea revealed some of the key concepts behind his group's impressive demonstrations of quadrocopters juggling, throwing and catching balls, dancing, an...
One of the exciting announcements at Automate 2013 is also one of the smallest. Gumstix, providers of Linux computers-on-modules (COMs) are offering ROS on a stick. For $45, Gumstix provide a bootable...
Maverick is a small uav made by Prioria, a company founded in 2003 by business and engineering graduates from the University of Florida. It is portable, very light and has most of the features a comme...
The use of UAVs has skyrocketed, a wide variety of systems ranging from extremely small flying bots to large airframes like the Predators or Global Hawk drones is currently in use, mostly from armed ...