
Power Loader power amplification exoskeleton robot

  08 Jan 2013
This power amplification robot, called Power Loader, is currently under development by Activelink, a Panasonic subsidiary venture. The aim is to achieve a robot that can freely utilize power beyond...

See and feel virtual water with this immersive crossmodal perception system from Solidray

  07 Dec 2012
Solidray, which is involved in virtual reality production, has released an immersive crossmodal system incorporating visual and tactile feedback, enabling the user to see and feel flowing water in a v...

Brain Computer Interface used to control the movement and actions of an android robot

  13 Nov 2012
Researchers at the CNRS-AIST Joint Robotics Laboratory and the CNRS-LIRMM Interactive Digital Human group, are working on ways to control robots via thought alone. "Basically we would like to create ...

Optical camouflage tech removes backseat of a car, transparent interior the goal

  06 Nov 2012
  A system that makes the backseat of a car look transparent is currently being developed by a research group at Keio University. The system applies optical camouflage technology, using...

Real-time heart beat simulator visualizes pulsation and disease on a Laptop PC

  05 Nov 2012
  This simulator can represent the complex pulsation of the heart. It is being developed by a group including members from National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center and Riken. Until n...

World’s first all rubber speaker made from artificial muscles is thin, soft and bassy

  18 Oct 2012
Tokai Rubber Industries has developed the world's first all-rubber speaker. This speaker utilizes Smart Rubber, which conducts electricity and can freely expand or contract, to generate sound. Prev...

The new Honda ASIMO

  20 Nov 2011
The most famous humanoid robot, Honda’s ASIMO has a new version. A few days ago Honda presented a more advanced model and performed a small display of its new capabilities. Meanwhile the robotics se...

Making a car for blind drivers, by Dennis Hong

  06 Jun 2011 In this recently released TED talk, Dennis Hong from VirginiaTech presents all the recent developments of his RoMeLa Robotics & Mechanisms Laboratory...

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