
Call for euRathlon/TRADR Summer School 2016 on heterogeneity in robotic systems

  04 May 2016
The University of Oulu will host a summer school on heterogeneity in Robotic Systems this August in Oulu, Finland, where the latest advances and developments in the field of European research within t...

euRathlon 2015 announces Grand Challenge winners

  29 Sep 2015
Inspired by the 2011 Fukushima accident, the euRathlon competition is the first outdoor competition where teams of land, sea and air robots must cooperate in a realistic disaster-response scenario. F...

Day Four at euRathlon 2015: Video recap

  25 Sep 2015
Weather conditions challenged the teams participating on the second day of euRathlon 2015 two-domain sub-challenges. The morning started with the remaining team that had yet to participate in the la...

Day Three at euRathlon 2015: Video recap

  24 Sep 2015
The first day of euRathlon 2015 two-domain sub-challenges started with the land and air (L+A) combined scenario, followed in the afternoon by the sea and land (S+L), where robots had to search for mis...

Day Two at euRathlon 2015: Video recap

  23 Sep 2015
Inspired by the 2011 Fukushima accident, euRathlon is a civilian outdoor robotics competition focused on realistic cooperative disaster response scenarios. On the second day of single-domain trials, t...

Day One at euRathlon 2015: Video recap

  21 Sep 2015
Inspired by the 2011 Fukushima accident, euRathlon is a civilian outdoor robotics competition focused on realistic cooperative disaster response scenarios. euRathlon 2015 takes place in the area surro...

#eurathlon2015 tests robotic air/land/sea systems in realistic emergency response scenarios

  16 Sep 2015
On March 11, 2011, a tsunami and earthquake struck Fukushima Dai-ichi energy plant causing a major disaster. Since then emergency services have deployed robots to inspect the area and collect data. So...

Call for euRathlon 2015 air/land/sea challenge now open

  13 Feb 2015
euRathlon is a new outdoor robotics competition that invites teams to test the intelligence and autonomy of their robots in realistic mock emergency-response scenarios inspired by the 2011 Fukushima ...

euRathlon Competition: A source of real data for robotics research

  23 Jan 2015
euRathlon is an EU-funded project that aims to set the standard for research through robotics competitions. It not only provides opportunities to test advanced emergency response robots in very chall...

Winners of euRathlon 2014 sea competition recap: Day 3, 4 and 5

  07 Oct 2014
euRathlon is an outdoor robotics competition funded by the European Union with a focus on realistic cooperative mock emergency-response scenarios in three different domains: land, sea and air. On the ...

euRathlon 2014 Sea competition recap: Day 1 and 2

  02 Oct 2014
euRathlon is an outdoor robotics competition focused on realistic emergency-response scenarios inspired by the 2011 Fukushima accident. After a successful land-based competition in 2013, a marine-base...

Don’t build robots, build robot systems

  07 Oct 2013
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Why aren't there more intelligent mobile robots in real world applications? It's a good question, and one I'm often asked. The answer I give most often is tha...

Winners of the euRathlon 2013 land robotics competition announced!

  30 Sep 2013
Robot TeodorPrime of team FKIE opening the suitcase that contains explosive material. Photo credits: euRathlon. euRathlon is an outdoor robotics competition where teams test the intelligence and aut...

euRathlon 2013 land robotics competition – Day Four recap

  29 Sep 2013
The autonomous robot MuCAR-3 from team MuCAR (University of the Bundeswehr Munich) arrives. Photo credits: Aaron Boardley. Clouds, mist and rain accompanied the fourth day of euRathlon 2013 civilian ...

euRathlon 2013 land robotics competition – Day Three recap

  27 Sep 2013
UAV pilot demostration carried out by CATEC during the euRathlon 2013 workshop. Photo credits: Aaron Boardley. The sun was shining again on the third day of euRathlon 2013 outdoor robotics competitio...

euRathlon 2013 land robotics competition – Day Two recap

  25 Sep 2013
Fraunhofer FKIE team's robot gets ready to enter the USAR scenario. Photo credits: Aaron Boardley. The second day of euRathlon competition started with the opening session of the euRathlon 2013 wor...

euRathlon 2013 land robotics competition – Day One recap

  24 Sep 2013
Robot Telemax of Telerob team, moving the canister full of hazardous material from the loading platform. Photo credit: Aaron Boardley. euRathlon is a new civilian outdoor robotics competition focused...

14 teams qualify for euRathlon land competition

  17 Sep 2013
Teams participating in ELROB land robotics competition tune up their robots. Photo credits: ELROB Buildings that are collapsed or on fire, tunnels flooded with smoke or water, unstructured areas subj...

euRathlon and the DARPA Robot Challenge: A difference of approach

  22 Jul 2013
  A week ago the DARPA Robotics Challenge unveiled the ATLAS humanoid robot, which will be used by seven competing teams. Developed by Boston Dynamics, ATLAS is an imposing 1.8m 150Kg bipedal humano...

euRathlon is go!

  07 Feb 2013
I'm very excited to be leading a new project called euRathlon - which is short for European Robotics Athlon. Up until now the project has been under wraps, but now - finally - we can go public. I'll e...

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