
Spy robots in the wild: K-Rock meets his bigger cousin

  26 Jan 2017
Tune in and watch Spy in the Wild on BBC 1 on Thursday 26 January at 20:00 GMT to see NCCR Robotics’ newest robot in action....

Drone shows: Creative potential and best practices

Drone shows, such as the ones shown above, are a new and rapidly evolving sector of the entertainment industry....

Robotics, artificial intelligence, connected devices in ‘Forbes 30 under 30’

  24 Jan 2017
Forbes “30 under 30″ list celebrates the achievements of 30 game changers in 20 different industries -- 600 in total -- of the brightest young entrepreneurs and innovators who are challenging conv...

Understanding social robotics

  24 Jan 2017
Pepper, Jibo and Milo make up the first generation of social robots, leading what promises to be a cohort with diverse capabilities and future applications. But what are social robots and what should...

Data Civilizer system links data scattered across files for easy querying

  24 Jan 2017
The age of big data has seen a host of new techniques for analyzing large data sets. But before any of those techniques can be applied, the target data has to be aggregated, organized, and cleaned up....

A3 Business Forum: Our takeaways

  23 Jan 2017
by Karine Simard A few insights from the 2016 A3 Business Forum. As always, a short and sweet event packed with insightful speakers, attendees and A3’s tried-and-true event success recipe. Hereâ€...

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 1/23/17

January 16, 2017 – January 22, 2017 News Two suspected U.S. drone strikes in Yemen killed at least three members of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. According to local officials, both strike...

Combining automation and mobility to create a smarter world

  20 Jan 2017
By: Catherine Marguerite | Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology Daniela Rus loves Singapore. As the MIT professor sits down in her Frank Gehry-designed office in Cambridge, Massachus...

Responsive and Responsible Leadership given prominance at #WEF17 World Economic Forum

  20 Jan 2017
The population of the scenic ski-resort Davos, nestled in the Swiss Alps, swelled by nearly +3,000 people between the 17th and 20th of January. World leaders, academics, business tycoons, press and in...

Open Bionics partners with NHS for feasibility study to develop hands for amputees

  19 Jan 2017
Open Bionics is to be awarded to £100,000 through SBRI Healthcare, an NHS England initiative, as part of its new challenge to fund innovations that will support children living with disability and lo...

How is Robohub doing? Take our annual reader survey

  18 Jan 2017
It's time to get your feedback about how we are doing at Robohub. What do you love reading? What would you change? [tweetquote]Take Robohub's reader survey to get your voice heard and earn a chance t...

A Pepper-warm reception at Decos

  18 Jan 2017
Like some angular alien architecture, Decos' futuristic development lab appears freshly landed in a martian lanscape. Underneath the sharp geometry and vectors, inside, the highly innovative company...

Catalia Health uses social robots to improve health outcomes

and   17 Jan 2017
Catalia Health is leading the surge in social robotics, with Mabu, their patient care management system. Catalia Health likes to be seen primarily as a health company that utilizes robots, rather th...

EU needs to take the lead on regulating robots and artificial intelligence, MEPs suggest

  16 Jan 2017
EU rules for the fast-evolving field of robotics, for example, compliance with ethical standards and liability for accidents involving driverless cars, should be put forward by the EU Commission, urge...

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 1/16/17

January 9, 2017 – January 15, 2017 News Popular French hobby drone maker Parrot laid off 290 out of 840 workers after posting growing losses in recent months. Parrot lost $27.8 million in the ...

#IROS2016 in pictures

and   15 Jan 2017
The 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) took place in October, in Daejeon, Korea. IROS is an annual robotics conference that seeks to "explore the fronti...

#CES2017 in pictures

  13 Jan 2017
CES 2017 has come and gone. As a first-timer in attendance, I couldn't help but marvel at the featured robots and all robotics related gadgets, toys, start-ups, wearables, and AI coming to market. I'l...

Brian Cox presents Science Matters: Machine learning and artificial intelligence

  11 Jan 2017
We're beginning to see more and more jobs being performed by machines, even creative tasks like writing music or painting can now be carried out by a computer. But how and when will machines be abl...

MIT Media Lab to participate in $27 million initiative on AI ethics and governance

  10 Jan 2017
The MIT Media Lab and the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University will serve as the founding anchor institutions for a new initiative aimed at bridging the gap between the ...

Implantable microrobots: Manufacturing intricate biocompatible micromachines

  10 Jan 2017
A team of researchers led by Biomedical Engineering Professor Sam Sia at Columbia Engineering has developed a way to manufacture microscale machines from biomaterials that can safely be implanted in t...

Robot Life Survey

What might the first western explorer have thought upon encountering whales, flamingos and iguanas? What would have they thought of these strange near-fantastical creatures? What is it like for 21s...

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 01/09/17

January 2, 2017 – January 8, 2017 At the Center for the Study of the Drone We are delighted to announce that we are collaborating with the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum in Manhattan on ...

A report on the ELS Workshop 2016

The Ethical, Legal and Social Aspects of Social Robots in Healthcare and Education Workshop (also called ELS Workshop) was held in Yokohama the 14th Nov 2016 during the JSAI-isAI Conference. The works...

Robohub Digest 12/16: Robotics in 2017, AI economy, robocar and drone evolution, challenging the gender bias in robotics

and   05 Jan 2017
A quick, hassle-free way to stay on top of robotics news, our robotics digest is released on the first Monday of every month. Sign up to get it in your inbox....

CES 2017 pre-news: Ford Fusion, Nvidia, MobilEye, HERE, BMW, Intel and other partnerships

Thursday night, and I am heading off to CES, and it’s become the main show it seems for announcing robocar news. There’s already a bunch....

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 01/02/17

December 26, 2016 – January 1, 2017 If you would like to receive the Weekly Roundup in your inbox, please subscribe at the bottom of the page. Year in Review 2016 was many things to many p...

Robohub’s 10 most viewed articles from 2016

  30 Dec 2016
Love it or leave it, 2016 just happened. But before we leap feet-first into 2017, we're taking a breath and looking back at our 10 most viewed articles from the past year. From aerial drones to agricu...

Celebrating 9 Years of ROS

This year marks the occasion of ROS turning 9 years old! Over the years, ROS has grown into a strong world-wide community. It’s a community with a large variety of interests: from academic research...

A look back at Cybathlon 2016

  27 Dec 2016
On 8 October 2016, the world's first Cybathlon took place in Zurich, Switzerland. The event, organised by ETH Zurich with NCCR Robotics as presenting sponsor, offered the opportunity for people with d...

Holiday robot videos 2016: Part 4

  22 Dec 2016
Happy holidays! Have a holiday robot video of your own that you’d like to share? Send your submissions to

White House report: Artificial intelligence, automation, and the economy

  22 Dec 2016
The White House released a new report on the ways that artificial intelligence will transform the US economy over the coming years and decades....

New Horizon 2020 robotics projects starting in 2017

  21 Dec 2016
The list of the new H2020 project in robotics from Call 3 2016 and the call under Societal Challenges 2016 is ready. The 17 robotics projects funded under Horizon 2020 will work with a wide variety o...

All algorithms on deck: Working on robotic ships

  20 Dec 2016
By: Jurjen Slump QR-codes that provide autonomous vessels with traffic information on buoys, ships or port buildings. Algorithms for controlling a ship’s unexpected movements. Fleets of autonomou...

Holiday robot videos 2016: Part 3

  20 Dec 2016
Have a holiday robot video of your own that you’d like to share? Send your submissions to

Technology is a means not an end: Experts on robotics for elderly care at #ERW2016

  19 Dec 2016
At the pinnacle event, panellists from Robotics for Elderly Care engaged with audience members in a lively discussion about topics ranging from how quickly technology is developing to how perceptions...

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 12/19/16

December 12, 2016 – December 18, 2016   Support Our Work The Center for the Study of the Drones is committed to bringing you reliable and timely resources that help stakeholders get ahead of...

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