
If drinking and driving, ride the car that doesn’t need your input or let it go home w/o you

For the past few months the Open Roboethics initiative and Robohub have explored the topic of autonomous cars in the form of biweekly polls. We were able to find out a lot of interesting facts about w...

Four recent videos about robots and jobs

  14 Aug 2014
Are robots coming for your job, or are they going to make your job easier? We've been following this issue since we ran our Robots and Jobs focus series, and there is no doubt that it's a topic that'...

Artificial intelligence will not turn into a Frankenstein’s monster | Alan Winfield via The Guardian

  12 Aug 2014
The doomsayers believe that humanity will be overwhelmed by creating machines that – like Terminator's Skynet – become ever-more clever and reach a singularity. They're wrong. Read more by Alan W...

AI, robotics, and the future of jobs | Pew Research Center

  11 Aug 2014
This report covers experts’ views about advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, and their impact on jobs and employment. The vast majority of respondents to the 2014 Future of the ...

Governmental funding of strategic robotic projects

  11 Aug 2014
Many governments have determined that robotics will play a significant role in contributing to their economy and have set up projects to fund bottlenecks to speed up the process....

The Neighbourhood Elevator and a new vision of urban density | Robocars

I’ve been musing more on the future of the city under the robocar, and many visions suggest we’ll have more sprawl. Earlier I have written visions of Robocar Oriented Development and outlined all ...

Reader poll: Should an autonomous car be able to drive w/o a human passenger?

A couple of months ago, we asked our readers whether three different unlicensed groups of individuals should be able to ride in autonomous cars alone. The individuals were: a child under the legal dr...

Readers split on whether they will miss driving their non-autonomous car Driving has become an integral component of our daily lives, especially in developed countries. Cars are not just a means for us to get from point A to p...

If courts are going to treat corporations like humans, they should do the same for robots | Slate

  04 Aug 2014
The idea of “legal personhood” existed in America originally to promote the work of the country’s first corporations: banks, insurance companies, water companies, and transportation companies. ...

The two cultures of robocars

I have many more comments pending on my observations from the recent AUVSI/TRB Automated Vehicles Symposium, but for today I would like to put forward an observation I made about two broad schools of ...

Drones against illegal fishing

  24 Jul 2014
Image source: Flickr With industry losses worth US$23 billion per year, illegal fishing represents a major global problem. One out of three bluefin tunas are caught illegally, as are around 20% of a...

Could Jibo developer Cynthia Breazeal be the Steve Wozniak of robots? | Ryan Calo

  23 Jul 2014
VideoBill Gates once predicted we would have a robot in every home to go with our personal computer. James Temple of is calling Jibo—a new personal robot to be sold commercially in 2015—&l...

When fully autonomous cars are the norm, will you miss driving?

A few weeks ago, one of our readers, Javier Lopez, submitted a number of questions to the ORi team. He brought up many interesting points, and we won’t attempt to cover them all in one poll. But on...

Autonomous car poll: Participants choose random chance over informed decision

Given a choice between crashing into a motorcyclist wearing a helmet vs. a motorcyclist who isn’t wearing one, which one should an autonomous car be programmed to crash into? What about the choice b...

Flying Donkey Challenge on hold as Kenyan authorities cope with Westgate Mall fallout

  18 Jul 2014
Today organizers announced that the first edition of the Flying Donkey Challenge in Kenya, which had preliminary sub-challenges slated to begin this November, is on hold indefinitely due to delays in ...

Deploying automated vehicles

  16 Jul 2014
In 2012, the Nevada DMV issued the first license to test autonomous vehicles on public roads in the US. The red license plates are only for autonomous test vehicles and are meant to make the cars easi...

Alleged drone ‘Peeping Tom’ photo reveals perils of drone related journalism | Forbes

  15 Jul 2014
Last month a Seattle woman said that a drone made her nervous because it was flying outside of her window.  Early media reports called the device a flying “Peeping Tom.”  Soon afterwards, nat...

Amazon requests FAA permission to test delivery drones

  14 Jul 2014
In April this year, issued a shareholder letter that stated: “The Prime Air team is already flight testing our 5th and 6th generation aerial vehicles…″ Fast forward three months to t...

Should we let robots take our jobs? | DNews

  13 Jul 2014
“In a recent interview, the co-founder of Google discussed how he thinks people shouldn't work so much, and we start having robots do most of the work! Should robots be taking our jobs? Laci dis...

Amazon seeks FAA permission to test drones outdoors near Seattle

  13 Jul 2014
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Inc is seeking permission from U.S. regulators to test its delivery drones near Seattle, as part of a rapid expansion of a program that has sparked widespread deba...

Facebook – Our ffriendly automated identity bender

  11 Jul 2014
I like Star Wars. I like technology. I like philosophy. I like teaching. I like the occasional meme. I like robots. I like a lot of things. But if I were to give an accurate account of the things t...

Building Social Robots: The Journey of Pleo

and   11 Jul 2014
Building a robot company is difficult, very difficult. It requires unwavering belief in yourself, in your idea, in your team and ultimately in your product. But it is also one of the most thrilling ex...

Reader poll: How should an autonomous car optimize crashes?

Photo by Roland Dobbins, Wikimedia A couple of months ago Dr. Patrick Lin, director of the Ethics + Emerging Sciences Group at California Polytechnic State University, wrote an article on autonomous...

How do you want to interface with your autonomous car? Poll results

Those of you who watched the 80’s TV series “Knight Rider” might remember the dialogue between Michael Knight and its super-car, KITT. Some of you might be more familiar with scenes between “J...

FAA Will Miss UAS/NAS Integration Deadline | UAS Vision

  03 Jul 2014
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is in danger of missing a Congressionally mandated deadline for expanding the use of non military UAS in the US, according to a report that was conducted by t...

My (autonomous) car, my safety: Results from our reader poll

You are travelling along a single lane mountain road in an autonomous car that is approaching a narrow tunnel. You are the only passenger of the car....

Autonomous vehicles: A powerful tool if you can get the problem right

  25 Jun 2014
“When the American people, through their Congress, voted for a twenty-six-billion-dollar highway program, the most charitable thing to assume is that they hadn’t the faintest notion of what they w...

Reader poll: How would you like to interface with your autonomous car?

We interact with gadgets and devices everyday … some have blinking lights, some play sounds, and some can even decipher our voice commands. When it comes to interfacing with a device as exciting an...

If death by autonomous car is unavoidable, who should die? Reader poll results

Image credit: Craig Berry Life and death decisions make interesting thought experiments. When you throw an autonomous car into the mix, things get even more interesting....

How important is the FAA’s first commercial licence approval?

  16 Jun 2014
On June 10th, the FAA issued a press release announcing their approval of the first commercial UAS flight over land. According to Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx, this represented an "important ...

An ethical dilemma: When robot cars must kill, who should pick the victim?

  11 Jun 2014
Image credit: Craig Berry We are moving closer to having driverless cars on roads everywhere, and naturally, people are starting to wonder what kinds of ethical challenges driverless cars will pose. ...

Reader poll: If a death by an autonomous car is unavoidable, who should die?

Image source: Karora via Wikipedia. There may be times when an accident or a death is unavoidable while an autonomous car is controlling the wheel. What should an autonomous car do when such ...

Should autonomous cars be allowed to speed? Results from our reader poll

Our previous poll, which asked (among other questions) whether kids should be allowed to ride in autonomous vehicles by themselves, revealed that responsibility is a key issue for most people. Are we ...

Small Unmanned Systems Business Expo recap

  29 May 2014
"sUSB Expo 2014 showed signs of a maturing drone industry," said Antoine Martin of Unmanned Vehicle Systems Consulting. The sold-out 2nd annual sUSB Expo 2014, held in San Francisco earlier this ...

Reader Poll: Should autonomous cars be allowed to speed?

We conducted two polls last month in collaboration with the Open Roboethics initiative to get a sense of what people think about autonomous cars. Our polls started some interesting discussions arou...

Kids with wheels: Should the unlicensed be allowed to ‘drive’ autonomous cars?

Share your opinion and take our next reader poll: Should autonomous cars be allowed to speed?Reader poll results: Earlier this month, when we asked people about your general thoughts on autonomous c...

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