
BirdBot is energy-efficient thanks to nature as a model

A team of scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the University of California, Irvine constructed a robot leg that, like its natural model, is very energy efficient. BirdBot benefits from a foot-leg coupling through a network of muscles and tendons that extends across multiple joints. In this way, BirdBot needs fewer motors than previous legged robots and could, theoretically, scale to large size.

Seamless transitions between autonomous robot capabilities and human intervention in construction robotics

and   15 Mar 2022
Congratulations to the winners of the best paper award of the International Association for Automation and Robotics in Construction 2021! This paper presents two human-robot collaboration solutions for welding and joint sealing through the use of a haptic device.

Christian Fritz: Full-stack Robotics and Growing an App Marketplace | Sense Think Act Podcast #15

In this episode, Audrow Nash speaks to Christian Fritz, CEO and founder of Transitive Robotics. Transitive Robotics makes software for building full stack robotics applications. In this conversation, ...

Generation equality: Empowering and giving visibility to women in robotics

On March 8, International Women’s Day (IWD) we celebrate the political, socioeconomic and cultural achievements of women and the women right’s movement towards gender equality. The aim of this article is to show what is being done and is available, especially in the European Union, for us to contribute as individuals and as a community towards gender equality in the field of robotics.

The Reddit Robotics Showcase 2022

and   07 Mar 2022
This year, we are planning an event which anticipates the enthusiasm we’ve had from our community, continuing to provide a unique opportunity for roboticists around the world to share and discuss their work, regardless of age or ability.

Interview with Axel Krieger and Justin Opfermann: autonomous robotic laparoscopic surgery for intestinal anastomosis

  06 Mar 2022
Anastomosis is an essential step to the reconstructive phase of surgery and is performed over a million times each year in the United States alone. Surgical outcomes for patients are highly dependent on the surgeon’s skill. Their paper describes a surgical robot and workflow to perform autonomous anastomosis of the small bowel.

How to help humans understand robots

  04 Mar 2022
Theories from cognitive science and psychology could help humans learn to collaborate with robots faster and more effectively, scientists find.

New implant offers promise for the paralyzed

  03 Mar 2022
A system developed by Grégoire Courtine and Jocelyne Bloch now enables patients with a complete spinal cord injury to stand, walk and even perform recreational activities like swimming, cycling and canoeing.

Black in Robotics ‘Meet The Members’ series: Andrew Dupree

  27 Feb 2022
In this ‘Meet the Members’ post, we will look at Andrew Dupree's journey from pure engineering and working with nonprofits in Haiti to doing product development in the bay area for several budding hardware startups.

Robotic cubes shapeshift in outer space

  25 Feb 2022
Self-reconfiguring ElectroVoxels use embedded electromagnets to test applications for space exploration.

Tim Chung: DARPA Subterranean Challenge | Sense Think Act Podcast #14

In this episode, Audrow Nash speaks to Tim Chung, Program Manager in the Tactical Technology Office at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), on the DARPA Subterranean (SubT) Challenge...

Automated mining inspection against the odds

  23 Feb 2022
Rajant Corporation achieved a historic unmanned underground mine inspection at one of the US’ largest underground room and pillar limestone operations.

Czech Digital Innovation Hubs: who are they and how can they help?

  20 Feb 2022
In 2016, the Czech Republic and Europe-wide started setting up a network of Digital Innovation Hubs. Since then, the Digital Europe Programme has come into force and introduced the new term European Digital Innovation Hubs. What can DIHs and EDIHs offer? Which are the relevant contacts in Czechia? This article will bring the answers.

Top 5 robot trends 2022

The operational stock of industrial robots hit a new record of about 3 million units worldwide – increasing by 13% on average each year (2015-2020). The International Federation of Robotics analyzes the top 5 trends shaping robotics and automation around the globe.

Beach bots, sea ‘raptors’ and marine toolsets mobilised to get rid of marine litter

  15 Feb 2022
Often quickly disposed of but lasting in the environment for tens to hundreds of years, plastic litter pollutes our seas worldwide, creating a serious threat to wildlife and contributing to climate change as they break down.

Steve Macenski: Open Source Robot Navigation | Sense Think Act Podcast #13

In this episode, Audrow Nash speaks to Steve Macenski, who is the Open Source Robotics Engineering Lead at Samsung Research America. Steve leads the Nav2 project, which is an open source robot navigat...

Happy Birthday Nao!

In our paper ‘10 Years of Human-NAO Interaction Research: A Scoping Review’, we present an overview of the evolution of NAO’s technical capabilities. We also present the main results from a scoping review of the human-robot interaction research literature in which NAO was used.

Bristol scientists develop insect-sized flying robots with flapping wings

  03 Feb 2022
A new drive system for flapping wing autonomous robots has been developed by a University of Bristol team, using a new method of electromechanical zipping that does away with the need for conventional motors and gears.

Radhika Nagpal at #NeurIPS2021: the collective intelligence of army ants

  01 Feb 2022
Radhika’s research focusses on collective intelligence, with the overarching goal being to understand how large groups of individuals, with local interaction rules, can cooperate to achieve globally complex behaviour.

Black in Robotics ‘Meet The Members’ series: Nialah Wilson

  30 Jan 2022
Nialah Wilson is one of the key roboticists who helped bring the DONUts modular robots to life.

Matt Robinson: Accelerating Industrial Workflows with Open Source | Sense Think Act Podcast #12

In this episode, Audrow Nash speaks to Matt Robinson, Program Manager for ROS-Industrial Americas at the Southwest Research Institute. ROS Industrial is a group that seeks to help industrial users, fo...

Robot science fiction books of 2021

  23 Jan 2022
2021 produced four new scifi books with good hard science underpinning their description of robots and three where there was less science but lots of interesting ideas about robots.

How robots learn to hike

  20 Jan 2022
A new control approach that enables a legged robot, called ANYmal, to move quickly and robustly over difficult terrain.

How robots and bubbles could soon help clean up underwater litter

  19 Jan 2022
Everyone loves to visit the seaside, whether to enjoy the physical benefits of an exhilarating swim or simply to relax on the beach and catch some sun. But these simple life affirming pleasures are easily ruined by the presence of litter, which if persistent can have a serious negative impact on both the local environment and economy. However, help is at hand to ensure the pristine nature of our coastlines.

Maria Gini wins the 2022 ACM/SIGAI Autonomous Agents Research Award

  18 Jan 2022
Congratulations to Maria Gini on winning this prestigious award, recognising her research and leadership in the field of robotics and multi-agent systems.

Science Magazine robot videos 2021

  14 Jan 2022
A compilation of Science Magazine videos featuring robotics research that were released during last year.

CBQ: Commercial-grade Autonomous Mowers, Safety, and Dogfooding | Sense Think Act Podcast #11

In this episode, Audrow Nash speaks to Charles Brian Quinn (aka, CBQ), CEO and a Co-Founder of Greenzie. Greenzie make an autonomous driving system for commercial lawn mowers. We talk about Greenzie's...

Robotics innovation infiltrates 2022 Consumer Electronics Show

  08 Jan 2022
The 2022 CES Innovation Awards recognize a range of robotics technologies as Honorees, and feature three in the “Best of Innovation” category as well.

What happened in robotics in 2021?

and   05 Jan 2022
Here are some postcards from 2021 and wishing you all the best for 2022!

Holiday robot videos 2021 (updated)

  31 Dec 2021
Happy holidays everyone! Here are some more robot videos to get you into the holiday spirit.

Brett Aldrich: State Machines for Complex Robot Behavior | Sense Think Act Podcast #10

In this episode, Audrow Nash interviews Brett Aldrich, author of SMACC and CEO of Robosoft AI. Robosoft AI develops and maintains SMACC and SMACC2, which are event-driven, behavior state machine libra...

Q&A: Cathy Wu on developing algorithms to safely integrate robots into our world

  29 Dec 2021
Assistant professor of civil engineering describes her career in robotics as well as challenges and promises of human-robot interactions.

Robot reinforcement learning: safety in real-world applications

How can we make a robot learn in the real world while ensuring safety? In this post, best paper award finalists at CoRL explain all.

Robot density nearly doubled globally

The use of industrial robots in factories around the world is accelerating at a high rate: 126 robots per 10,000 employees is the new average of global robot density in the manufacturing industries, according to the 2021 World Robot Report.

Call for robot holiday videos 2021

  21 Dec 2021
That’s right! You better not run, you better not hide, you better watch out for brand new robot holiday videos on Robohub!

Giving bug-like bots a boost

  17 Dec 2021
A new fabrication technique produces low-voltage, power-dense artificial muscles that improve the performance of flying microrobots.

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