We Robot 2014 - Conference on Legal and Policy Issues Relating to Robotics
University of Miami Law School, Coral Gables, FL
April 4-5, 2014
Submission/Registration Deadline: November 4, 2013...
Understanding Robotics and Public Opinion:
Best Practices in Public Science Communication and Online Dissemination
IROS Workshop 2013 in Tokyo, Japan
November 7, 9am – 12:30pm
Submission deadl...
AUVSI returned to D.C. for 2013.
Amidst a climate of fiscal austerity and vibrant debates over the growing importance of unmanned vehicles in foreign policy and homeland security, the 2013 AUVSI Unma...
Killer robots, a problem as old as voodoo. Source: x-ray delta one.
By Kathleen Richardson, University College London
Robots represent the cutting edge in science. For decades we have been promis...
Link to audio file (41:02)In this episode, we speak with Matthew Schroyer, founder of DroneJournalism.org, co-founder of Drones for Good, and developer of the “Drones for Schools” program which te...
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) will compile global safety standards for nursing-care robots based on criteria provided by the Japanese government. Nursing care robots are des...
... In an Associated Press article by Gosia Wozniacka, using robots to sort, thin, harvest and handle fruits and vegetables were examined.
... Blue River Technology and their Lettuce Bot; Vision Ro...
With the rapid economic development of the last twenty years resulting in the accumulation of great wealth, China urgently feels the need to move from a manufacturing-driven economy to an innovati...
The China International Robot Show CIROS was held July 2-5 in Shanghai. 30,000 people were expected to attend and 56 companies exhibited. Although most of the exhibitors were Taiwanese, Japanese, Kore...
On April 8-9, Stanford Law School held the second annual robotics and law conference, We Robot. This year’s event focused on near-term policy issues in robotics and featured panels and papers by sch...
On April 8-9, Stanford Law School held the second annual robotics and law conference, We Robot. This year’s event focused on near-term policy issues in robotics and featured panels and papers by sch...
On April 8-9, Stanford Law School held the second annual robotics and law conference, We Robot. This year’s event focused on near-term policy issues in robotics and featured panels and papers by sch...
On April 8-9, Stanford Law School held the second annual robotics and law conference, We Robot. This year’s event focused on near-term policy issues in robotics and featured panels and papers by sch...
The pressures are building for safer and smarter vehicles on our roads, raising questions about the national, state and local policies that will emerge. Several states are already early adopters of le...
Updated March 17, 2013 | This month we've asked our experts to weigh in on the future of robotics in warfare, and the broadness of this topic has prompted some of our panelists to push back and reques...
This is a brief presentation of some of the most widely used robots (or remotely controlled, semi-autonomous systems) from militaries around the world. There are numerous other projects that are curre...