The upcoming Robotic Online Short Film Festival (or ROS festival) is a science fiction short film festival planning to focus on robotics related themes. The deadline for submitting short films is No...
Gabby has five goals to achieve this school year. The first goal sounds like any other young middle schooler: get straight As in her classes. Goal number two: get accepted into her school's robotics t...
The importance of conserving biodiversity in forest ecosystems is widely recognized. Tree cavities are home to many animal species, such as birds, mammals and beetles, for shelter, nesting or larval d...
Disney Research presents their design and control for an untethered, energetically autonomous single-legged hopping robot. While this isn't the first hopping robot to be built, it is the first not to ...
"The biggest obstacle preventing robotics going mainstream is not having good programmers able to program robots," Brian Gerkey, CEO of the Open Source Robotics Foundation.
Learning to program robots...
When designing robots to help in the search for victims after a natural disaster, a number of features are important: robustness, long battery life and ease of transport. With this latest constraint i...
Latency is an important practical concern in the robotics world that is often poorly understood. I feel that a better understanding of latency can help robotics researchers and engineers make design a...
Some people swear all tethers are bad. Some recommend attaching a tether to robots in order to provide power (to save the mass and volume of the batteries), for reliable fast communications, transfer ...
Mobile robots can be used in many applications, they are especially suited for environments that are unreachable or too dangerous for humans. In many cases, these environments have to be explored and ...
How will artificial intelligence change the world of work? The Economist is holding a Facebook Live Q&A with their Deputy Editor on Tuesday, September 13, 4pm London time. You can watch, listen, ...
Robotiq has just launched a new community called DoF. This is an open community where industrial automation professionals share their know-how and get answers to accelerate their robotics projects....
By: Rob van Dorp
A room full of kids and it's quiet. The only sound is an occasional question. They’re all deeply concentrated on one task. These kids are participating in the first Robot Camp o...
"In football everything is complicated by the presence of the opposite team.” This observation by the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre has been cited in multiple contexts, ranging from tactical p...
Lionfish are invasive to the Atlantic Ocean and their voracious appetites are destroying coral reef ecosystems. RISE (Robots in Service of the Environment) is a new non-profit company looking to rest...
Cooperation is one of the hallmarks of being human. We are extremely social compared to other species. On a regular basis, we all enter into helping others in small but important ways, whether it be l...
Time synchronization affects many robots. Robots have more computers and sensors, so keeping everything in sync is important. Trying to look through log files where all of the times are skewed is not...
Though recent advances in design, fabrication, and programming technologies promise to enable rapid digital manufacturing of functional robotic systems, many challenges need to be addressed to realize...
Dtto v2.0 is a modular self-reconfigurable robot focused on bio-inspired locomotion mechanisms. This tutorial shows how to assemble a fully working Dtto Modular Robot module....
Dtto v2.0 is a modular self-reconfigurable robot focused on bio-inspired locomotion mechanisms. This tutorial shows how to assemble a fully working Dtto Modular Robot module....
Scientists in Japan reportedly saved a woman’s life by applying artificial intelligence to help them diagnose a rare form of cancer. Faced with a 60-year-old woman whose cancer diagnosis was unrespo...
Picture the scene: one day you wake up in a hospital with no memory of what happened and you discover in horror that your left hand is no longer there. The doctors say you’ve been in a car accident ...
In this Robohub roundtable edition, we are joined by Sabine Hauert, Kassie Perlongo, John Payne, Audrow Nash, Yannis Erripis, with commentary by Andra Keay and Travis Deyle, to discuss the viabilit...
To many workers, the words “digital technologies” may evoke one simple, dismaying image: a human-like robot sitting at their desk, doing the work that they used to do! This anxiety is not differen...
Our robot, Eve, is built from the ground up using force-control, enabling human-like dexterity and efficiency. We'd like to discuss why we decided to build Eve this way, hopefully offering another app...
What would your ideal robot be like? One that can change nappies and tell bedtime stories to your child? Perhaps you’d prefer a butler that can polish silver and mix the perfect cocktail? Or maybe y...
In this article, our humanoid robot iCub is put to the test using manipulation and interaction as sources of knowledge and new experience, as well as, providing a means to explore and control the envi...
The Flying Ring is a new flying vehicle being developed at the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control, ETH Zurich. The goal of the project is to fully characterize all aerodynamic properties of th...
Originally pioneered at the Harvard Microrobotics Lab, in collaboration with Northeastern University, RoboBees are inspired by nature and designed for an important reason: wild pollinators -- such as...
By: Chris Bogdon
The International Ground Vehicle Ground Competition (IGVC) is an annual event that brings together teams of college students from all over the globe to compete in an autonomous gro...
National Public Radio (NPR) has published a series of stories about robots and the future of employment in the U.S. and abroad. It begins with the story about the Luddites war on industry and a more ...
I didn’t get to meet Pepper the humanoid Robot at Google I/O but I watched the video afterwards: A new development frontier: Android + Pepper the interactive robot. Love the robots’ dance! I was s...
UCL’s Interactive Architecture Lab has developed a new type of choreography – one that explores the potential for dialogue between humans and robots – and the way we might design cooperatively i...
In the past, we have looked at wheel design and the kinematics of skid steer and mecanum wheels. In this post, we will take a quick look at different types of mobility types (ie. wheels, tracks) and h...
Catch up with past winners: CleverPet (2015), Preemadonna/Nailbot (2015 runner-up), and Leka (2014).
Will you be our next Robot Launch winner? There's 25 days left to register! You can register by...