By Leah Burrows
Even octopuses understand the importance of elbows. When these squishy, loose-limbed cephalopods need to make a precise movement — such as guiding food into their mouth — the musc...
By Adam Conner-Simons | Rachel Gordon
Uber's recent self-driving car fatality underscores the fact that the technology is still not ready for widespread adoption. The reality is that there aren’t m...
Both are crowdfunding right now — Magni has only 1 week days to go and Misty has just launched today. Both robots come from pedigree robotics companies and both robots are top of the line in ...
In this episode of Robots in Depth, Per Sjöborg speaks with Frank Tobe about his experience covering robotics in The Robot Report and creating the index Robo-Stox....
By Siddharth Reddy
Imagine a drone pilot remotely flying a quadrotor, using an onboard camera to navigate and land. Unfamiliar flight dynamics, terrain, and network latency can make this system chall...
Short delivery time, high flexibility and reduced costs for handling parts before assembly. These are the main goals that Danfoss Drives wanted to achieve by creating an automated assembly line. But w...
With the Robot Launch 2018 competition in full swing – deadline May 15 for entries wanting to compete on stage in Brisbane at ICRA 2018 – we thought it was time to look at last years’ Robot Laun...
In a basement of New York University in 2013, Dr. Sergei Lupashin wowed the room of one hundred leading technology enthusiasts with one of the first indoor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) demonstrations...
The choice of gait, that is whether we walk or run, comes to us so naturally that we hardly ever think about it. We walk at slow speeds and run at high speeds. If we get on a treadmill and slowly ...
Great news here at Dreaming Robots as we’ve just been able to confirm with Sky Atlantic and NowTV that we will be live tweeting again each episode of the new series of HBO’s completely fan...
Motion control problems have become standard benchmarks for reinforcement learning, and deep RL methods have been shown to be effective for a diverse suite of tasks ranging from manipulation to locomo...
It all started with 166 companies spread across 12 European countries appling for a “golden ticket” to ROBOTT-NET’s Voucher Program. 64 companies received a voucher and highly specialized consul...
By Meg Murphy
A person watching videos that show things opening — a door, a book, curtains, a blooming flower, a yawning dog — easily understands the same type of action is depicted in each clip....
In this episode of Robots in Depth, Per Sjöborg speaks with Harsha Prahlad, CoFounder and Chief Technology and Products Officer at Grabit Inc. Harsha talks about his novel gripper for soft goods manu...
In this episode of Robots in Depth, Per Sjöborg speaks with Franziska Kirstein, Human-Robot Interaction Expert and Project Manager at Blue Ocean Robotics, about her experience as a linguist working w...
By Eric Brown
If you were to ask someone to name a new technology that emerged from MIT in the 21st century, there’s a good chance they would name the robotic cheetah. Developed by the MIT Departme...
Digital innovation hubs are vital to create innovative solutions and employment. ROBOTT-NET is an example of a digital innovation hub, where four leading Research Technology Organizations (RTOs) in Eu...
by Anthony King
Crimes that involve chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) materials pose a deadly threat not just to the target of the attack but to innocent bystanders and police in...
The European Robotics Forum 2018 (ERF2018) in Tampere brought together over 900 attendees from robotics academia and industry. To bridge the two, euRobotics hosted the Georges Giralt PhD Award 2017 &a...
by Rob Coppinger
Swarms of firefighting drones could one day be deployed to tackle hugely destructive megafires that are becoming increasingly frequent in the Mediterranean region because of climat...
In this episode of Robots in Depth, Per Sjöborg speaks with Justin Werfel, senior research scientist at Harvard's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering....
By Bryant Walker Smith
An automated vehicle in Uber’s fleet fatally struck a woman crossing a street in Arizona. A few points pending more information:...
Award winners in robot competitions held by the European Robotics League (ERL) were named on 14 March 2018, during this year's European Robotics Forum (ERF), held in Tampere, Finland on 13–15 March....
As Mark Hamill humorously shared the behind-the-scenes of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” with a packed SXSW audience, two floors below on the exhibit floor Universal Robots recreated General Grievo...
The European Robotics Forum 2018 (ERF2018), the most influential meeting of the robotics community in Europe, takes place in Tampere on 13-15 March 2018. ERF brings together over 900 leading scientist...
By Rob Matheson
If you’re a rock climber, hiker, runner, dancer, or anyone who likes recording themselves while in motion, a personal drone companion can now do all the filming for you — complet...
By Leah Burrows
When it comes to soft, assistive devices — like the exosuit being designed by the Harvard Biodesign Lab — the wearer and the robot need to be in sync. But every human moves a bit ...
Today, when an enterprise wants to use machine learning to solve a problem, they have to call in the cavalry. Even a simple problem requires multiple data scientists, machine learning experts, and dom...
By Leah Burrows
Researchers at Harvard University have built soft robots inspired by nature that can crawl, swim, grasp delicate objects and even assist a beating heart, but none of these devices has...
In this episode of Robots in Depth, Per Sjöborg speaks with Jana Tumova, Assistant Professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, about formal verification of computer systems and synthesizing c...
By Leah Burrows
Who needs legs? With their sleek bodies, snakes can slither up to 14 miles-per-hour, squeeze into tight spaces, scale trees, and swim. How do they do it? It’s all in the scales. As...
In this episode of Robots in Depth, Per Sjöborg speaks with Henrik Christensen, the Qualcomm Chancellor's Chair of Robot Systems and a Professor of Computer Science at Dept. of Computer Science and E...
It’s called the “grain,” a small IoT device implanted into the back of people’s skulls to record their memories. Human experiences are simply played back on “redo mode...