
The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup 5/8/17

May 1, 2017 – May 7, 2017 If you would like to receive the Weekly Roundup in your inbox, please subscribe at the bottom of the page. News The European Aviation Safety Association has propo...

JANUS creates a new era for digital underwater communications

  04 May 2017
NATO Nations have agreed to use JANUS, a new underwater communications device, as the NATO Standard for digital underwater communications. This is the first time a digital underwater communication pr...

Robohub Digest 04/17: Robots and jobs, Royal Society’s machine learning report, and spring events

**Editor's note: Due to yesterday's May bank holiday in the UK, we’re posting the April Digest one day late.** A quick, hassle-free way to stay on top of robotics news, our robotics digest is relea...

Hardhat bots take over construction sites

  02 May 2017
RobotLabNYC’s third installment will be on June 13, in New York City with Howard Morgan (FirstRound Capital) and Tom Ryden (MassRobotics); together, we will be “Exploring The Autonomous Future...

3-D printing offers new approach to making buildings

  01 May 2017
The list of materials that can be produced by 3-D printing has grown to include not just plastics but also metal, glass, and even food. Now, MIT researchers are expanding the list further, with the de...

Dr Nathan Griffiths: Driverless cars? How the road to the future will be driven by machine learning

and   01 May 2017
Over the past few weeks, we’ve blogged about how machine learning is transforming research, nuclear decommissioning, and astronomy. Building on our “Ask the Experts” panel discussion on driverle...

Hosts of Talking Machines: Neil Lawrence and Ryan Adams

  28 Apr 2017
Talking Machines is entering its third season and going through some changes. Our founding host Ryan is moving on and in his place, Neil Lawrence of Amazon is taking over as co-host. We say thank you ...

New Horizon 2020 robotics projects – 2016 presented at #ERF2017

  27 Apr 2017
In 2016, the European Union co-funded 17 new robotics projects from the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for research and innovation. 16 of these resulted from the robotics work programme, and one pro...

Dr Rustam Stolkin and robots that learn: Nuclear robotics meets machine learning

and   27 Apr 2017
How can we create robots that can carry out important tasks in dangerous environments? Machine learning is supporting advances in the field of robotics. To find out more, we talked to Dr Rustam Stolki...

Recap from International Robotics Week

  26 Apr 2017
It was the event we have worked towards since the founding of RoboValley: the International Robotics Week. Last week, we were able to show the whole world what RoboValley has built in the past years a...

Machine learning requires careful stewardship says Royal Society

  25 Apr 2017
The many potential social and economic benefits from advances in AI-based technologies depend entirely on the environment in which these technologies evolve, says the Royal Society. According to a new...

EU-funded robotics technology experiments present their work at Hannover Messe

  25 Apr 2017
From 24 – 28 April, four ECHORD++ experiments will present their work at Hannover Messe, the world's biggest trade show. You can see the latest advances in EU-funded robotics technology development ...

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 4/24/17

April 17, 2017 – April 23, 2017 News A U.S. drone strike in Yemen reportedly killed four suspected members of al-Qaeda. According to Yemeni officials, the strike targeted al-Qaeda fighters in...

Want to build a Moon base? Easy, just print it

  21 Apr 2017
Planetary Resources, a company hoping to make asteroid mining into a trillion dollar industry, earlier this year unveiled the world’s first 3D printed object made from bits of an asteroid. 3D pri...

Looking ahead to the future of computer-driven cars

  21 Apr 2017
The field of transportation is undergoing a seismic shift with the introduction of autonomous driving — or computer-driven cars. Computer vision scientist and Mobileye co-founder Amnon Shashua PhD ...

ARIAC Qualifier 3 is now open

We are happy to announce that Qualifier 3 is now open for the Agile Robotics for Industrial Automation Competition (ARIAC)! ARIAC is a simulation-based competition is designed to promote agility in in...

Silicon Valley Robot Block Party attracts over 1000 attendees

  20 Apr 2017
The 2017 Silicon Valley Robot Block Party set a new high for attendance with over 1000 robot fans plus investors, exhibitors and media. 45 different companies, organizations and groups were represent...

#ERF2017 workshop: Developing the next level Model Driven Robotic Software Ecosystem

  20 Apr 2017
The first public RobMoSys Workshop took place on at the ERF in Edinburgh with more than 50 participants. The room was packed. When the interaction discussions began, the crowd split into small groups ...

Two Horizon 2020 projects researching EU Digital Industrial Platform for Robotics

Market pull for better factory automation and the ever-increasing relevance of software in every domain are triggering a rethink in how we develop software for robotics. Techniques such as Model Driv...

Explained: Neural networks

  18 Apr 2017
In the past 10 years, the best-performing artificial-intelligence systems — such as the speech recognizers on smartphones or Google’s latest automatic translator — have resulted from a technique...

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 4/17/17

April 10, 2017 – April 16, 2017 News A drone strike in the Sinai reportedly killed one person. According to al-Jazeera, the strike targeted a house in Rafah, a town that borders the Gaza Stri...

Crash Course Computer Science video series

  17 Apr 2017
Crash Course is a video channel you can access through YouTube. Crash Course Computer Science is an ongoing playlist of fast-moving videos that begin with the most basic underpinnings of digital comp...

A vision for Nigeria’s youth: FIRST LEGO league competition held in Nigeria

  14 Apr 2017
In March, robot programming students took part in the 2016-17 FIRST LEGO LEAGUE competition (FLL) with the theme ‘ANIMAL ALLIES’. FIRST LEGO League (FLL) is a program that supports children and...

Engineering highly adaptable robots requires new tools for new rules

Northwestern University mechanical engineering professor Todd Murphey and his team are engineering robots that one might say could make robotic assistance as seamless as "humanly" possible. With suppo...

The startup Launch Pad Competition blasts off at Automate 2017

  13 Apr 2017
What does Magic Johnson and a twenty foot robot have in common? You guessed it, Automate 2017. While this might seem like an odd pairing, it accurately reflects the current state of the robotics indu...

#ERF2017 in tweets

  12 Apr 2017
The European Robotics Forum in Edinburgh late March brought together over 800 people from industry, academia and government. #ERF2017 is the premier event for European Robotics, with a staggering 1M i...

CSAIL launches artificial intelligence initiative with industry

  12 Apr 2017
From self-driving cars to the internet of things, artificial intelligence (AI) has reached new levels of sophistication in recent years. With that in mind, this week MIT’s Computer Science and Artif...

European Robotics League gearing up for 2017-2018 season

  11 Apr 2017
The European Robotics League has closed a successful first season. Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme for research, the ERL brings a common framework for two indoor robotics compe...

Registration now open for 2nd annual Robotic Art Competition

  11 Apr 2017
The 2017 second annual robotic art competition with $100,000 in cash prizes is now open for team registration. An international competition for all ages, the contest’s goal is to challenge teams to ...

Congratulations to Apellix: 2017 Automate Launch Pad winner

  11 Apr 2017
Congratulations to Apellix, the winner of Automate 2017 Startup Launch Pad competition. Also, honorable mention goes to Kinema Systems and Sake Robotics. The Apellix received a $10,000 check sponsored...

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 4/10/17

April 3, 2017 – April 9, 2017 Public Safety Drones Police and first responder drones were once a sci-fi fantasy; now they are a reality, appearing with increasing frequency in cities and towns ...

The robot industry is hiring. Do you have the skills?

  10 Apr 2017
A new white paper by the Robotics Industries Association (RIA) says that as many as 2 million US manufacturing jobs will go unfilled in the next ten years due to a lack of skilled workers. According t...

Sports-concussion dilemma: Robot doctors could be the answer in rural America

  07 Apr 2017
From bustling cities to tiny farming communities, the bright lights of the local stadium are common beacons to the Friday night ritual of high school football. But across the sprawling stretches of ru...

Billion $dollar acquisitions continue: ABB acquires B&R

  04 Apr 2017
ABB, one of the Big Four global robot makers, has acquired Austrian industrial automation integrator and components manufacturer B&R (Bernecker & Rainer) Automation for an undisclosed amount b...

Robohub Digest 03/17: #ERF2017, UK budget promises, International Women’s Day and drone safety issues

  03 Apr 2017
A quick, hassle-free way to stay on top of robotics news, our robotics digest is released on the first Monday of every month. Sign up to get it in your inbox....

Robolliance on-hand for ISC West’s Unmanned Security Expo

  03 Apr 2017
This week (April 05-07, 2017), the Sands Expo Center in Las Vegas will host ISC West 2017 in what they say is "the largest security industry trade show in the U.S.", drawing an estimated 29,000+ secur...

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