Lecture 8-II: Education and Industry Session
This lecture hosted by Prof. Samia Nefti-Meziani from the University of Salford, Manchester, UK, is about higher education and industrial impact of the ...
Elad Inbar's RobotsLAB BOX was unanimously declared the winner of LAUNCHedu at SxSW. In it's third year, the LAUNCHedu conference is held in Austin TX ahead of SxSW. LAUNCHedu focusses on bringing t...
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2010-12-02
Self-assembly is of crucial importance in the biological realm at all scales. This talk introduces a series of self-assembling robots developed in ou...
It was just a few months ago that Play-i raised over $1.4 million on Kickstarter. With a heavy advertising buy during the holiday season they now have 11,000 pre-orders for their Bo and Yana...
Being a member of FIRST Team 3504, The Girls of Steel, has been an amazing experience: I have built robots with my teammates, gone to international competitions, and have had great time. We recently ...
Lecture 6 - Soft Robotics and Bioinspiration II
In this second lecture hosted by the Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Matteo Cianchetti builds on the previous lecture to talk about building soft actuato...
Link to audio file (26:55)
Did you know that Robohub started right here, with the podcast? This is our 150th podcast episode, and to celebrate we brought together the original team to reenact our ver...
Robocub 2013 in Eindhoven.
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2009-12-17
In the past decade, soccer robots have been developed greatly, and some of the robot soccer games have been showing more ...
Lecture 5 - Soft Robotics and Bioinspiration I
Hosted by Prof. Cecilia Laschi from the Scuola Superiore S. Anna in Pisa, Italy, this ShanghAI episode puts together contrasting approaches to ‘emb...
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2009-12-17
This lecture discusses the relevance of embedding dramatic scenarios and expressive language into methodologies employed in the research and developm...
In the previous ROS 101 post, we provided a quick introduction to ROS to answer questions like What is ROS? and How do I get started? Now that you understand the basics, here’s how they can app...
Clearpath Robotics brings us a new tutorial series on ROS!
Since we practically live in the Robot Operating System (ROS), we thought it was time to share some tips on how to get started with ROS. W...
This week we publish the second of the ShanghAI Lectures 2013 Edition on Robohub — we will release a new lecture from this series every Monday until the series is complete. Please use the comments ...
This infographic on the state of AI by BestComputerScienceDegrees.com doesn't reflect the recent Nest Labs acquisition by Google. Nevertheless one can see that speedy computers and libraries of digita...
NASA, MIT and DARPA will host the Fifth Annual Zero Robotics SPHERES Student Challenge today at 7:30am (EST). The event will take place at MIT's campus in Cambridge, Mass. where student teams from the...
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2009-12-10
The success of the human species critically depends on our extraordinary ability to engage in joint action. Our perceptions, decisions and behaviour ar...
We would always have kids come around the robotics lab where I did my PhD. They would learn about robots and we would show them videos and demos of bio-inspired robots that could fly, jump and swarm. ...
Michael McMaster and his latest creation - a life-sized Wall-E.
If you’re a diehard Star Wars fan, or if you have a background in robotics, you might already know who Michael McMaster is. In the pa...
Perhaps you were inspired by Sharon Marzouk and her experiences using the Thymio II in the classroom to motivate independent learning and discovery, or perhaps you saw the Thymio II on our Holiday Gif...
UPDATE: New video of a collaborative, cloud-based mapping experiment. Mapping is essential for mobile robots and a cornerstone of many more robotics applications that require a robot to interact with...
Aisoy, a spanish robotics startup, is motivated by the goal of building intelligent, personal, "social" robots, which make our lives easier and funnier. Their robot, the Aisoy1, is their first step to...
Materials used to produce International Robot Olympiad competition events.
The 2013 (15th annual) International Robot Olympiad competition has come to a close. Next year it will take place in Beiji...
2022 update: A new, one-wheeled version of the Cubli has been developed. The one-wheel Cubli is a three-dimensional pendulum system that can balance on its pivot using a single reaction wheel, as it i...
If you still have holiday shopping to do, these gift ideas from the Robohub team will be sure to please the robot fans in your life. From stocking stuffers to once-in-a-lifetime gifts, you can find so...
Let me admit up front that I'm not the best person to be covering a robotics competition. In fact this is only the second one I've attended; the first, Sparkfun's AVC, is a tough act to follow and set...
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2009-11-12
"It has increasingly been realized that some of the key characteristics underlying real-world complex dynamical systems (such as economical, financia...
Andreas Tschas (far left) and Juergen Furian (far right) present a cheque to the 2012 Startup Challenge winner Poikos (centre). Photo credit: Heisenberg Media.
When founders Andreas Tschas and Juerge...
The MP3 DanceBot is a little robot that dances to the beat of your music. It’s a project that began in the summer of 2011 to introduce students to the basics of electronics and robotics. Students le...
Prof. Conor Walsh (left) and Dr. Panagiotis Polygerinos (right) discuss a soft robotic glove designed for hand rehabilitation. Photo credit: Kirstin Hagelskjær Petersen.
The 2nd annual Northeast Ro...
Link to audio file (22:28)
In this episode, Sabine Hauert talks with Erin Kennedy at the Open Hardware Summit at MIT. Kennedy is famously know as RobotGrrl, the self-made roboticist and proud maker o...
Sharon Marzouk with a class of excited youngsters and their Thymio-based creations.
Sharon has found classroom robotics is an excellent motivator for independent learning and discovery: “The way I ...
Europe's first Maker Faire will be held in Rome's Palazzo dei Congressi from October 3-6. Billing itself as a "four-day, family-friendly festival of invention, creativity and resourcefulness," Make...
"The Project" - David Peins' first classroom robot.
“How did you get started in robotics?” is a question that people often ask when they meet me and I am surrounded by my robots. This past week...
Anniversaries have a way of inspiring even the most cynical of us to ask ourselves big existential questions: "Why are we here?", "What do we stand for?" and "What's the meaning of all this anyway?" S...
Students take a research tour with Damen ship repairs in Rotterdam.
A team of students from ETH Zurich and ZHdK have developed a prototype for a robotic ship inspection unit that is capable of cond...
The Girls of Steel – a competitive FIRST team located in Pittsburg, PA – is on a mission to draw more young women into engineering. We've already heard what it's like to be part of an all-girls ro...