
White House releases reports focusing on opportunities and challenges of AI

  14 Oct 2016
While the future of artificial intelligence is probably going to be driven by Silicon Valley, the folks in Washington DC want their say about how it will work, too. In two reports, the White House ...

Foundry tool: Multi-material designing for 3-D printing

  13 Oct 2016
3-D printing has progressed over the last decade to include multi-material fabrication, enabling production of powerful, functional objects. While many advances have been made, it still has been diffi...

It’s not only engineers who work in robotics

  12 Oct 2016
Robotics has always been an interdisciplinary field - one that integrates knowledge from computer science, mechanical, electrical, controls, and other areas of engineering. But as robots move out of f...

Launching the Women in Robotics network

  11 Oct 2016
Women in Robotics is a new international professional community. If you are a woman who works in robotics, or who aspires to, we are inviting you to join! ...

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 10/10/16

October 3, 2016 – October 9, 2016 News A U.S. drone strike in Syria killed Abu al-Farai al-Masri, an Egyptian-born veteran of al-Qaeda and leader of Jabhat al-Nusra. According to a statement b...

Oxbotica’s autonomous vehicle software learns its environment and how it changes over time

  10 Oct 2016
Oxbotica, a UK technology company with a focus on mobile robotics and driverless vehicles, has created Selenium, an autonomous software system acting similar to a 'brain' for a vehicle. Selenium can...

Welcoming new global partners

and   10 Oct 2016
Silicon Valley Robotics held an innovation tour for some of our global partners ahead of the RoboBusiness conference in San Jose. Representatives from Odense Robotics Cluster, Invest in Denmark and De...

Powered arm prosthesis race at Cybathlon

  07 Oct 2016
This week, the world’s first Cybathlon will take place in Zurich, Switzerland and today we present to you the second of the NCCR Robotics teams to be taking part in the competition, LeMano. The Cyba...

In motion: Video transmission by mobile drones

  07 Oct 2016
Raheeb Muzaffar, an information technology specialist, has developed an application-layer framework that improves the transmission of videos between moving drones and mobile devices located at ground ...

Virtual race: Competing in Brain Computer Interface at Cybathlon

  05 Oct 2016
This week the world’s first Cybathlon will take place in Zurich, Switzerland. Cybathlon is the brainchild of NCCR Robotics co-director and ETH Zurich professor Robert Riener, and is designed to faci...

Drone flight through narrow gaps using onboard sensing and computing

In this work, we address one of the main challenges towards autonomous drone flight in complex environments, which is flight through narrow gaps....

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 10/3/16

September 26, 2016 – October 2, 2016 News A U.S. drone strike killed at least fifteen people in Afghanistan’s eastern Achin district. The United Nations reported that the individuals who di...

Robohub Digest 09/16: AI100, RoboLaw, sailing and farming robots

and   03 Oct 2016
A quick, hassle-free way to stay on top of robotics news, our robotics digest is released on the first Monday of every month. Sign up to get it in your inbox....

Drone learns to see in zero-gravity

  03 Oct 2016
During an experiment performed on board of the International Space Station (ISS) a small drone successfully learned by itself to see distances using only one eye, reported scientists at the 67th Inter...

3-D printed robots with shock-absorbing skins

  03 Oct 2016
Anyone who’s watched drone videos or an episode of BattleBots knows that robots can break - and often it’s because they don’t have the proper padding to protect themselves. But this week rese...

Replicable and measureable robotics research: Back to the basics of the scientific method

  30 Sep 2016
In general, as any robotics and/or AI PhD student knows very well, replicating the research results of other labs is quite difficult. The information you can customary find in a reputed journal paper ...

$60 million committed to Smart Cities Initiative

From autonomous vehicles to flash flood alert systems, technology transforms how people lead their daily lives and how local cities and communities function. Last September, the Administration laun...

Farewell to Vic Scheinman, inventor of the modern robot arm

  29 Sep 2016
We are sad to learn that Victor Scheinman passed away on September 20, from complications of heart disease. He was 73. Victor Scheinman was the inventor of the Stanford Arm, the first all-electric ...

XoSoft: Intelligent trousers designed to assist people with limited mobility

, and   27 Sep 2016
Advancement in healthcare and medicine and other comforts of modernity make us live longer than our ancestors: the life expectancy of the average European nearly doubled during the last century. As li...

Michigan’s automated driving bills

  26 Sep 2016
Michigan's Senate are reviewing several bills related to automated driving. SB995, 996, 997, and 998 are now out of committee, and SB 927 and 928 are not far behind. These bills seem to be a mixed bag...

Robots can successfully imitate human motions in the operating room

By: Marcus Banks The nursing assistant for your next trip to the hospital might be a robot. This is the implication of research recently published by Dr. Elena De Momi and colleagues in the open a...

What’s new in robotics this week: British Standards Institute releases guidelines for ethical robot design

and   23 Sep 2016
Ethics guidelines for robots; $1m grant for cobot research; Lyft fleet to be autonomous in 5 years; self-driving car policy; Russian bot arrested, and more. Find out what's happening in our robotics ...

US Department of Transportation issues guidance for automated driving

  21 Sep 2016
With the recent announcement, the US Department of Transportation is enthusiastically embracing automated driving. It's saying that self-driving vehicles are coming in some form (or many forms) and th...

EQ-Radio: Detecting emotions with wireless signals

  21 Sep 2016
By measuring your heartbeat and breath, this device from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab can tell if you’re excited, happy, angry or sad

Designing and deploying a fleet of autonomous boats on the canals of Amsterdam

  20 Sep 2016
MIT has signed an agreement to engage in research collaborations with the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS) in the Netherlands. The collaboration’s flagship project, led ...

DelftAcopter: Innovative single-propeller hybrid drone

  19 Sep 2016
By: Jurjen Slump It takes off like a helicopter, then tilts 90 degrees and flies like a plane, using a single rotor blade. Because of that, it is light weight and can fly long distances. Meet the ...

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 9/19/16

September 12, 2016 – September 18, 2016 News A U.S. airstrike in Syria reportedly killed Wael Adel Salman, the information minister for the Islamic State group. According to a U.S. official wh...

Machines can learn by simply observing, without being told what to look for

  15 Sep 2016
We have developed a new machine learning method at the University of Sheffield called Turing Learning that allows machines to model natural or artificial systems....

Watch humanoid robot Atlas balance on one foot

  14 Sep 2016
A video posted to YouTube last week shows Boston Dynamics' humanoid robot Atlas balancing on one foot, while standing on a 2cm thick plywood edge....

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 9/12/16

At the Center for the Study of the Drone We are a decade into what is often described as “the drone revolution,” a period of remarkable growth in the development, proliferation, and use of mili...

Telepresence robots help chronically ill kids maintain social, academic ties at school

Chronically ill, homebound children who use robotic surrogates to “attend” school feel more socially connected with their peers and more involved academically, according to a first-of-its-kind stu...

HAPTIX program underway to create prosthetic hand system that moves and feels like a real hand

By: Brian Gerkey Fundamentally, robotics is about helping people. Robots help us manufacture things, help us build things, and help make our lives easier and more convenient. As robotic systems in...

Talking Machines: Restricted Boltzmann Machines, with Eric Lander

  09 Sep 2016
In episode sixteen of season two, we get an introduction to Restricted Boltzmann Machines, take a listener question about tuning hyperparameters, plus, speak with Eric Lander of the Broad Institute....

Meet the pilots preparing for Cybathlon: Claudia Breidbach

  08 Sep 2016
Claudia Breidbach is pilot with Touch Bionics in the Powered Arm Prosthesis Race. When Claudia isn't preparing for the Cybathlon, she can be found competing with her skydiving team, KARMA....

Human-robot disaster response team successfully deployed robots in earthquake damaged monuments

  08 Sep 2016
After the devastating earthquake in Amatrice, Italy, on August 24th, the Vigili del Fuoco (Italian fire brigade) requested assistance from the TRADR (Long-Term Human-Robot Teaming for Robot-Assisted...

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 9/5/16

August 29, 2016 – September 4, 2016 News A U.S. airstrike in Syria killed Abu Muhammad al-Adnani, a senior strategist and spokesperson for the Islamic State. According to two U.S. officials w...

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