
Swarmbots: James McLurkin on why, how, and when we will see swarm robotics in practice

  20 Jan 2015
Link to audio file (27:29), or listen on iTunes James McLurkin works with swarm robots at Rice University, and his unique work on robot communication has landed him on PBS’s “Nova,” in additi...

The Year of CoCoRo Video #03/52: Jeff robots explore

  18 Jan 2015
The EU-funded Collective Cognitive Robotics (CoCoRo) project has built a swarm of 41 autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) that show collective cognition. Throughout 2015 – The Year of CoCoRo ...

Who will buy your bot? End user opportunities

  16 Jan 2015
Unless robotics is just a hobby, commercial and funding opportunities should be at the forefront of every developer's mind and at the root of these are the end users and their needs. But who are the e...

European Commission reveals details of proposed cuts to science | Science

  16 Jan 2015
A controversial plan to use research funds to pay for economic stimulusbecame more concrete this week, as European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker unveiled proposed legislation to implement t...

Talking Machines: Machine learning and magical thinking, with Ilya Sutskever

  15 Jan 2015
Robohub is excited to bring you our newest series - the Talking Machines podcast. Hosted by Katherine Gorman and Ryan Adams, Talking Machines is your window into the world of machine learning. Yo...

Teaching a robot to ‘cook’ by showing it YouTube videos of cooking shows

Most of us have at some point watched a video in order to learn how to do something. Our research shows that a robot can learn human actions by watching videos of humans performing those actions – i...

The Year of CoCoRo Video #02/52: Overview of largest swarm

  11 Jan 2015
The EU-funded Collective Cognitive Robotics (CoCoRo) project has built a swarm of 41 autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) that show collective cognition. Throughout 2015 – The Year of CoCoRo ...

Revolutionary implant enables broken spinal cord to function again

  08 Jan 2015
A team from EPFL and NCCR Robotics lead by Profs Stéphanie Lacour, Grégoire Courtine and Silvestro Micera published an article in Science today describing their e-dura implant that could revo...

iCub philosophy, history and recent results: Lecture by Giorgio Metta

In this lecture, Giorgio Metta describes the history and philosophy behind the iCub project, and presents some recent results....

Walking assistive devices for the elderly

and   07 Jan 2015
When thinking about robots that can be used to care for the elderly, most people imagine humanoid robots that are meant to help with cooking, cleaning and socializing. But what if robots could be u...

Island Forum 2014: Advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence

and   06 Jan 2015
The Singapore Ministry of Defence convened the sixth edition of the Island Forum in November 2014 to explore the emerging future of artificial intelligence and robotics, developments that could have e...

The Year of CoCoRo Video #01/52: Overview of the Jeff robot

  04 Jan 2015
The EU-funded Collective Cognitive Robotics (CoCoRo) project has built a swarm of 41 autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) that show collective cognition. Throughout 2015 – The Year of CoCoRo ...

Introducing Talking Machines: Your window into the world of machine learning

  01 Jan 2015
Robohub is excited to bring you our newest series - the Talking Machines podcast. Hosted by Katherine Gorman and Ryan Adams, Talking Machines is your window into the world of machine learning. Yo...

Robot simulators and why I will probably reject your paper

  18 Dec 2014
Dear robotics and AI researcher, Do you use simulation as a research tool? If you write papers with results based on simulation and submit them for peer-review, then be warned: if I should review y...

Robot Startup Series #7: Interview with Soft Robotics’ Carl Vause

  18 Dec 2014
[tweetquote]Soft robotics is finally leaving the research lab and entering the real world. [/tweetquote] One of the companies leading the way is a Boston-based startup that is commercializing the inn...

Humanoid robot with open electronics

We’re pleased to announce the public release of information on a long-standing collaboration between OSRF and Sandia National Labs. The Intelligent Systems Control Department at Sandia is developing...

ETH and University of Zurich launch Wyss Translational Center Zurich

  12 Dec 2014
ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich are founding a new translational research centre at the interface of medicine, science and engineering: the Wyss Translational Center Zurich. A USD 120 million ...

Evolving swimming robots to study origins of extinct vertebrates

Hypotheses about the evolution of traits in ancient species are difficult to test, as the relevant animals have often been extinct for thousands or millions of years. In the present study, a populatio...



Mobility Transformation Facility, with Edwin Olson

  28 Nov 2014
NEW: Full transcript below. In this episode, Audrow Nash speaks with Edwin Olson, an Associate Professor at the University of Michigan, about the University’s 32-acre testing environment for auton...

NSF’s 40-year history supporting US robotics research

The fundamental research in computing and engineering that has enabled robotics to develop in the US has been supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) since its inception. Yet despite these ...

Evaluating the effectiveness of robot behaviors in human-robot interactions

  26 Nov 2014
This post is part of our ongoing efforts to make the latest papers in robotics accessible to a general audience. Robots that interact with everyday users may need a combination of speech, gaze, and...

Firmer footing for robots with smart walking sticks

Anyone who has ever watched a humanoid robot move around in the real world — an "unstructured environment," in research parlance — knows how hard it is for a machine to plan complex movements, bal...

The CORAL group: Interview with Joydeep Biswas and Brian Coltin

Our newest video interview features PhD student Joydeep Biswas, who works with Dr. Manuela Veloso’s CORAL research group, and scientist Brian Coltin, who is at NASA's Ames Intelligent Research g...

National Science Foundation and federal partners award $31.5M to advance co-robots in US

From disaster recovery to caring for the elderly in the home, scientists and engineers are developing robots that can handle critical tasks in close proximity to humans, safely and with greater resili...

NERVE Center: The robot playground

  19 Nov 2014
By Meghan Hennessey What’s the NERVE Center, you ask? It’s the robot testing facility at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and THE place to be when visiting the Boston area. We couldn...

Better micro-actuators to transport materials in liquids

and   18 Nov 2014
Researchers have developed improved forms of tiny magnetic actuators thanks to new materials and a microscopic 3D printing technology....

Ground Drone Project: Urban mobile robot chassis

  13 Nov 2014
The Ground Drone Project wants to make a [tweetquote]low cost ground robot chassis for hobbyists and inventors that is capable of traversing challenging obstacles[/tweetquote]. The project’s origina...

Video: Autonomous robot surgery on deformable tissue phantoms

Automating repetitive surgical subtasks such as cutting and debridement can facilitate supervised tele-surgery, and reduce surgeon fatigue and procedure times. Programming these tasks can be difficu...

Novel robots for gait and arm rehabilitation: Interview with Robert Riener

In this pair of video lectures, Robert Riener presents his team's research efforts in the field of rehabilitation robotics, and describes the vision behind Cybathlon, the competition for robot-assist...

A computer vision system for mining artistic influence

, and   06 Nov 2014
When we look at an image we not only recognize object categories and scene category, but we can also infer various aesthetic, cultural and historical aspects. For example, an expert (or even an averag...

New soft ‘antagonistic’ actuator enables robots to fold

  03 Nov 2014
Traditionally, many key robot components (including sensors and actuators) are rigid, and this makes it difficult for researchers and industry to make them truly compliant with their surroundings. It...

Video: Robotics at Skolkovo

  31 Oct 2014
See an overview of projects from the Skolkovo robotics cluster....



Nylon Fishing Line Actuator, with Geoff Spinks

  31 Oct 2014
In this episode, Ron Vanderkley speaks with Professor Geoffrey Spink from Wollogong University about his team’s work on artificial muscles....

Opensource 3D printed “Poppy” humanoid enables experimentation in robot design

  28 Oct 2014
Funded by the European Research Council (ERC), Poppy is a 3D printed open source humanoid designed by the Inria's Flowers lab, a French research facility that creates computer and robotic models as t...

SMART begins live public robocar tests in Singapore today

Robocar R&D is moving fast in Singapore, and this week, the National University of Singapore (NUS) announced they will be doing a live public demo of their autonomous golf carts over a course wi...

ROSCon 2014 videos and slides available

We’re happy to announce that videos and speakers’ slides from ROSCon 2014 have been posted....

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