
3 Latest news breaks in emerging tech

and   25 Aug 2014
Pediatric Robot Surgeon According to a recent report from NASA, some of their engineers and a team of researchers from the Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) have recently developed a robotic su...

Inroads in perception

  22 Aug 2014
Google's recent acquisition of Emu Messenger is just one of many items in recent news about improvements in perception and artificial intelligence (AI)....

Bridge inspection robot detects corrosion in hard-to-reach spots | ETH News

  22 Aug 2014
The aim was to develop a robot that could detect corrosion in all areas – including sites inaccessible to people – and at the earliest possible stage. The researchers did not have to search long f...

ShanghAI Lectures: Rüdiger Dillmann “Programming by Demonstration”

  21 Aug 2014
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2011-12-15 In this guest lecture, Rüdiger Dillmann from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, talks about paradigms for robot learning and the proper...

Coordinated UAV docking

  18 Aug 2014
This post is part of our ongoing efforts to make the latest papers in robotics accessible to a general audience. Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be both safe and maneuverable, but their s...

Grasping with robots – which object is in reach?

  17 Aug 2014
This post is part of our ongoing efforts to make the latest papers in robotics accessible to a general audience. Imagine a robot reaching for a mug on the table, only to realize that it is too far,...

Thousand-robot swarm self-assembles into arbitrary shapes

  14 Aug 2014
There is something magical about seeing 1,000 robots move, when humans are not operating any of them. In a new study published in Science, researchers have achieved just that. This swarm of 1,000 robo...

AI, robotics, and the future of jobs | Pew Research Center

  11 Aug 2014
This report covers experts’ views about advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics, and their impact on jobs and employment. The vast majority of respondents to the 2014 Future of the ...

Targeting a robotic brain capable of thoughtful communication

  11 Aug 2014
The Hagiwara Lab in the Department of Information and Computer Science of Keio University's Faculty of Science and Technology is trying to realize a robotic brain that can carry on a conversation, or ...



Stiquito, with James Conrad

  08 Aug 2014
In this episode, Audrow Nash interviews James Conrad, professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, about the history of the autonomous walking robot, Stiquito....

Mind-controlled robotic legs? It’s possible | The Telegraph

  07 Aug 2014
A research group led by electrical and computer engineering expert Jose Luis Contreras-Vidal is working on a brain-machine interface that could enable users to control a pair of robotic legs with thei...

Robocars love the draft | Automaton

  05 Aug 2014
If you are willing to leave much of the driving in the hands of the guy behind the steering wheel, and all you want is to manage tight spacing for efficient drafting, then the solution to the problem ...

VertiKUL takes off like a helicopter, but flies like a fixed wing aircraft

  05 Aug 2014
One of the main disadvantages of copter drones is their low energy efficiency: in order to create and maintain a sufficient lift, a lot of energy is needed, thus decreasing the endurance of the UAV. T...

This robot needs just a few seconds to learn to walk again after you break its legs

  04 Aug 2014
As we move slowly towards a future where robots are mobile, rather than bolted securely in-place on a production line, robots will begin to experience the same kind of bumps and bruises that humans e...

When you can’t collect all the data you need, a new algorithm tells you which to target | MIT News

  01 Aug 2014
Levine and How developed an algorithm that can efficiently calculate just how much information any node in the graph gives you about any other — what in information theory is called “mutual inform...

Watch the videos from the AI Video Competition

  01 Aug 2014
A large crowd of experts in artificial intelligence gathered around the AAAI Video Competition Award Ceremony before catching their flights, or enjoying one last night in Québec City. The competition...

ShanghAI Lectures: Dustin Li “Embodied Development for an Autonomous Delivery Robot”

  31 Jul 2014
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2011-12-01 In this guest lecture, Dustin Li from the Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xian, China, talks about the design of a robot that autonomously d...

What would be the energy cost of artificially evolving human-equivalent AI?

  28 Jul 2014
Want to create human-equivalent AI? Well, broadly speaking, there are three approaches open to you: design it, reverse-engineer it or evolve it. The third of these - artificial evolution - is attrac...

Rescue drone that finds survivors using their cellphones’ WiFi signals

  25 Jul 2014
Search and rescue operations are increasingly using drones, and the speed and ease with which UAVs can be launched is especially important when applying them as an emergency response tool. Jonathan C...

New wrist-mounted device augments the human hand with two robotic fingers | MIT News

  18 Jul 2014 Researchers at MIT have developed a robot that enhances the grasping motion of the human hand. The device, worn around one’s wrist, works essentially like two extra fing...

Short CoCoRo AUV swarm underwater video

  16 Jul 2014
The EU-funded Collective Cognitive Robotics (CoCoRo) project has built a swarm of 41 autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) that show collective cognition. Throughout 2015 – The Year of CoCoRo ...

Science, startups and industry at RSS2014 (Part 2)

  15 Jul 2014
The 10th annual Robotics Science and Systems conference (RSS14) is on at the University of California, Berkeley, July 12 to 16, and we are picking up where we left off yesterday on our coverage of t...

Building Social Robots: The Journey of Pleo

and   11 Jul 2014
Building a robot company is difficult, very difficult. It requires unwavering belief in yourself, in your idea, in your team and ultimately in your product. But it is also one of the most thrilling ex...

ShanghAI Lectures: Josh Bongard “Morphological Change in Machines Accelerates the Evolution of Robust Behavior”

  10 Jul 2014
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2011-11-17 In this guest lecture, Josh Bongard from the University of Vermont (USA) and co-author of How the body shapes the way we think (MIT Press), talks ab...

Grizzly on the Mars Emulation Terrain at NCFRN

  09 Jul 2014
by Ryan Gariepy I recently spent over a week in Montreal talking with – and learning from – the Canadian field robotics community, first at the Computer and Robot Vision (CRV) conference and t...

The next big things in robotics

  08 Jul 2014
Last week I attended the launch event for a new NESTA publication called Our work here is done: Visions of a Robot Economy....

Reader poll: How should an autonomous car optimize crashes?

Photo by Roland Dobbins, Wikimedia A couple of months ago Dr. Patrick Lin, director of the Ethics + Emerging Sciences Group at California Polytechnic State University, wrote an article on autonomous...

How do you want to interface with your autonomous car? Poll results

Those of you who watched the 80’s TV series “Knight Rider” might remember the dialogue between Michael Knight and its super-car, KITT. Some of you might be more familiar with scenes between “J...

The next era of conversational technology

and   04 Jul 2014
In 1922, the Elmwood Button Co. commercialized a toy that could respond to voice commands. The toy, called Radio Rex, was a dog made of celluloid that would leap out of its house when you called its n...

ShanghAI Lectures: Koh Hosoda “Musculoskeletal Humanoids”

  03 Jul 2014
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2011-11-10 In this guest lecture, Koh Hosoda from Osaka University, Japan, talks about human and humanoid intelligence, movement, and bouncing, and introduces t...

Top 10 take-aways from AUTOMATICA 2014

  02 Jul 2014
    When you see a slick robot - say for instance the new Aldebaran Pepper robot - you can easily be distracted by the design, the gestures, the interaction, the cuteness. But AUTOMATI...

My (autonomous) car, my safety: Results from our reader poll

You are travelling along a single lane mountain road in an autonomous car that is approaching a narrow tunnel. You are the only passenger of the car....



Computer-Assisted Surgery, with Karol Miller

  27 Jun 2014
In this episode Ron Vanderkley speaks to Prof. Karol Miller, Director of the Intelligent Systems for Medicine Lab at the University of Western Australia, about medical robotics and how doctors and pat...

DARPA announces new challenges, teams, and research goals for the DRC’s finale in June 2015

  27 Jun 2014
Teams of roboticists from around the globe will convene in Los Angeles for the third and final round of the DARPA Robotics Challenge on June 5th  and 6th, 2015. For this phase, DARPA will be cutting ...

On Pepper, Aldebaran and emotional robotics: Interview with Bruno Maisonnier

  24 Jun 2014
Bruno Maisonnier at TedExConcorde. Photo credit: Rodrigo SEPÚLVEDA SCHULZ. Last week I dropped by Aldebaran’s studio to get a glimpse of Pepper in action, and was pretty excited about this robot. ...

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