
Youssef Benmokhtar: Digitization of Touch and Meta AI Partnership | Sense Think Act Podcast #9

In this episode, Audrow Nash speaks to Youssef Benmokhtar, CEO of GelSight, a Boston-based company that makes high resolution tactile sensors for several industries. They talk about how GelSight's tac...

Interview with Huy Ha and Shuran Song: CoRL 2021 best system paper award winners

  12 Dec 2021
The award-winning authors describe their work on a self-supervised framework for cloth unfolding which uses a pick, stretch, and fling primitive for a dual-arm setup from visual observations.

Meet the Oystamaran

  08 Dec 2021
Working directly with oyster farmers, MIT students are developing a robot that can flip heavy, floating bags of oysters, helping the shellfish to grow and stay healthy.

Team builds first living robots that can reproduce

  02 Dec 2021
AI-designed Xenobots reveal entirely new form of biological self-replication—promising for regenerative medicine.

An inventory of robotics roadmaps to better inform policy and investment

  29 Nov 2021
Silicon Valley Robotics in partnership with the Industrial Activities Board of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, is compiling an up to date resource list of various robotics, AIS and AI roadmaps, national or otherwise.

Interview with Tao Chen, Jie Xu and Pulkit Agrawal: CoRL 2021 best paper award winners

  24 Nov 2021
The award-winning authors describe their work on a system for general in-hand object re-orientation.

Top tweets from the Conference on Robot Learning #CoRL2021

  19 Nov 2021
In this post we bring you a glimpse of the conference through the most popular tweets about the conference written last week. Cool robot demos, short and sweet explanation of papers and award finalists to look forward to next year's edition.

Finding inspiration in starfish larva

  17 Nov 2021
Researchers at ETH Zurich have developed a tiny robot that mimics the movement of a starfish larva. It is driven by sound waves and equipped with tiny hairs that direct the fluid around it, just like its natural model. In the future, such microswimmers could deliver drugs to diseased cells with pinpoint accuracy.

Jason Richards: Robotic Food Delivery, Crowdfunding, and Working with Lawmakers | Sense Think Act Podcast #7

In this episode, Audrow Nash speaks to Jason Richards, CEO at DaxBot. DaxBot makes a charismatic robot for food delivery. Jason speaks on their delivery robot, their crowdfunding campaign, DaxBot’s ...

RECON: Learning to explore the real world with a ground robot

  09 Nov 2021
RECON provides a robust way to using past experience to accelerate learning in a new environment through the combination of goal sampling and topological memory.

World Robotics 2021 – Service robots report released

Service robots hit double digit growth worldwide. The market for professional service robots reached a turnover of 6.7 billion U.S. dollars worldwide – up 12% in 2020. At the same time, turnover of new consumer service robots grew 16% to 4.4 billion U.S. dollars.

Tobias Holmes: Agriculture Robots, Herbicide Resistance, and Education | Sense Think Act Podcast #6

In this episode, Audrow Nash speaks to Tobias Holmes, Quality Assurance Manager at Blue River Technologies. Blue River uses computer vision and robotics in agriculture and was acquired by John Deere i...

From a garage to Swiss lakes and rivers: the story of Proteus, an underwater robot

  01 Nov 2021
Know the story of Proteus, an underwater robot developed by a Swiss student spin-off who partnered up with real divers from the Swiss Explosive Ordnance Disposal to retrieve lost ammunition from Swiss lakes.

Making RL tractable by learning more informative reward functions: example-based control, meta-learning, and normalized maximum likelihood

  30 Oct 2021
In our recent work, we design a reward specification technique that naturally incentivizes exploration and enables agents to explore environments in a directed way.

IEEE 17th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering paper awards (with videos)

The IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE) is the flagship automation conference of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society and constitutes the primary forum for c...

One giant leap for the mini cheetah

  23 Oct 2021
A new control system, demonstrated using MIT’s robotic mini cheetah, enables four-legged robots to jump across uneven terrain in real-time.

Sense Think Act Pocast: Erik Schluntz

In this episode, Audrow Nash interviews Erik Schluntz, co-founder and CTO of Cobalt Robotics, which makes a security guard robot. Erik speaks about how their robot handles elevators, how they have hum...

A robot that finds lost items

  18 Oct 2021
Researchers at MIT have created RFusion, a robotic arm with a camera and radio frequency (RF) antenna attached to its gripper, that fuses signals from the antenna with visual input from the camera to locate and retrieve an item, even if the item is buried under a pile and completely out of view.

Robohub gets a fresh look

  17 Oct 2021
If you visited Robohub this week, you may have spotted a big change: how this blog looks now! On Tuesday (coinciding with Ada Lovelace Day and our ‘50 women in robotics that you need to know about‘ by chance), Robohub got a massive modernisation on its look by our technical director Ioannis K. Erripis and his team.

50 women in robotics you need to know about 2021

and   12 Oct 2021
It’s Ada Lovelace Day and once again we’re delighted to introduce you to “50 women in robotics you need to know about”! From the Afghanistan Girls Robotics Team to K.G.Engelhardt who in 1989 ...

Join the Women in Robotics Photo Challenge

  12 Oct 2021
How can women feel as if they belong in robotics if we can't see any pictures of women building or programming robots? The Civil Rights Activist Marian Wright Edelson aptly said, "You can't be what yo...

Sense Think Act Podcast: Melonee Wise

In this episode, Audrow Nash speaks with Melonee Wise, former CEO of Fetch Robotics and current VP of Robotics Automation at Zebra Technologies. Melonee speaks about the origin of Fetch Robotics, her ...

Flying high-speed drones into the unknown with AI

  08 Oct 2021
When it comes to exploring complex and unknown environments such as forests, buildings or caves, drones are hard to beat. They are fast, agile and small, and they can carry sensors and payloads virtua...

Sense Think Act Podcast: Adrian Macneil

In this episode, Audrow Nash interviews Adrian Macneil, Co-founder and CEO of Foxglove. Foxglove makes Foxglove Studio, an open source visualization and debugging tool for robotics. Adrian speaks abou...

To swim like a tuna, robotic fish need to change how stiff their tails are in real time

  05 Oct 2021
Researchers have been building robotic fish for years, but the performance has never approached the efficiency of real fish. Daniel Quinn, CC BY-NC By Daniel Quinn Underwater vehicles haven’t ...

Sense Think Act Podcast: Dave Coleman

In this episode, Audrow Nash interviews Dave Coleman, Chief Executive Officer at PickNik Robotics. Dave speaks at a high level about what MoveIt is and what problems it helps roboticists solve, they t...

Team CERBERUS wins the DARPA Subterranean Challenge

  01 Oct 2021
The DARPA Subterranean Challenge planned to develop novel approaches to rapidly map, explore and search underground environments in time-sensitive operations critical for the civilian and military dom...

What can I do here? Learning new skills by imagining visual affordances

  27 Sep 2021
How do humans become so skillful? Well, initially we are not, but from infancy, we discover and practice increasingly complex skills through self-supervised play. But this play is not random - the chi...

Sense Think Act Podcast: Ryan Gariepy

In this episode, Audrow Nash interviews Ryan Gariepy, Chief Technology Officer of both Clearpath Robotics and OTTO Motors. Ryan speaks about the origin of Clearpath, how Clearpath focuses on making re...

Surgeons to reach prostate with robot

  21 Sep 2021
Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men. Every year about 13,000 Dutch men are diagnosed with this disease. According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, about 1 in 10 men suffers from...

‘Black in Robotics’ special series

  13 Sep 2021
Apart from the IEEE/RSJ IROS 2020 (International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems) original series Real Roboticist that we have been featuring in the last weeks, another series of three v...

Should a home robot follow what the mom says? Recap of what happened at RO-MAN Roboethics Competition

On August 8th, 2021, a team of four graduate students from the University of Toronto presented their ethical design in the world’s first ever roboethics competition, the RO-MAN 2021 Roboethics to De...

When humans play in competition with a humanoid robot, they delay their decisions when the robot looks at them

Gaze is an extremely powerful and important signal during human-human communication and interaction, conveying intentions and informing about other’s decisions. What happens when a robot and a human...

When mud is our greatest teacher

  03 Sep 2021
On 25 March, a small RoboHouse team went out in the fields of Oldeberkoop in East Friesland with gas leak detector Waylon and mechanic Rob. They began by checking the calibration to prevent malfunctio...

What is the future of Agri-Food Robotics in the EU and beyond?

By Kees Lokhorst, Project Coordinator of the agROBOfood project During the last decades robots are transforming from simple machines to cognitive collaborators. The distance that has been covered i...

2021 IEEE RAS Publications best paper awards

  27 Aug 2021
The IEEE Robotics and Automation Society has recently released the list of winners of their best paper awards. Below you can see the list and access the publications. Congratulations to all winners! ...

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