
Why social robots will change your life

and   24 Jun 2014
It is a fantastic time for technology. We live in a more connected world, and compared to even a few decades ago, we have vastly improved access to information and content, and have dramatically expan...

Reader poll: How would you like to interface with your autonomous car?

We interact with gadgets and devices everyday … some have blinking lights, some play sounds, and some can even decipher our voice commands. When it comes to interfacing with a device as exciting an...

If death by autonomous car is unavoidable, who should die? Reader poll results

Image credit: Craig Berry Life and death decisions make interesting thought experiments. When you throw an autonomous car into the mix, things get even more interesting....

Noonee: The chairless Chair

  20 Jun 2014
Noonee® is a new Start Up company coming out of research in robotics in Switzerland. Aimed at solving healthcare problems within the manufacturing industry, noonee adopts a Chairless Chair® approac...

ShanghAI Lectures: Olivier Michel “Webots: Fast prototyping and simulation of mobile robots”

  19 Jun 2014
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2011-11-10 This presentation introduces Cyberbotics Ltd. with a little bit of history (where it came from), then it presents the Webots software that allows res...

Grasping objects in a way that is suitable for manipulation

  19 Jun 2014
This post is part of our ongoing efforts to make the latest papers in robotics accessible to a general audience. Robots are expected to manipulate a large variety of objects from our everyday lives...

Exoskeleton with haptic sensors helps paralysed man to kick off World Cup

  12 Jun 2014
VIDEO UPDATE 06/13 It’s June 2014 and all eyes are on Brazil. If you’re a football fan then June 12th is the day you’ve been waiting for, but eagle-eyed technophiles are likely to have noticed o...

Exclusive Q&A: World cup kickoff looms for demo of brain-controlled machine | Science

  12 Jun 2014
During the World Cup next week, there may be 1 minute during the opening ceremony when the boisterous stadium crowd in São Paulo falls silent: when a paraplegic young person wearing a brain-controlle...

ShanghAI Lectures: Fabio Bonsignorio “Embodied Finance: Embodying Disruptive Innovation in Embodied Cognitive Systems”

  12 Jun 2014
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2011-11-03 In this guest lecture, Fabio Bonsignorio from University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain, talks about issues with innovation and robotic startup companie...

Reader poll: If a death by an autonomous car is unavoidable, who should die?

Image source: Karora via Wikipedia. There may be times when an accident or a death is unavoidable while an autonomous car is controlling the wheel. What should an autonomous car do when such ...

Research Group from University of Zurich wins KUKA Innovation Award

  10 Jun 2014
The team collect their award at the Automatica fair in Munich, June 2014. Four researchers from Davide Scaramuzza’s Robotics and Perception Group at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, have won ...

Should autonomous cars be allowed to speed? Results from our reader poll

Our previous poll, which asked (among other questions) whether kids should be allowed to ride in autonomous vehicles by themselves, revealed that responsibility is a key issue for most people. Are we ...

Robot selfies, and the road to self-recognition

  09 Jun 2014
People take selfies with smartphones and digital cameras (or even with flying robots), and share them on social media, blogs, microblogs and image platforms for social purposes, and though selfies m...

ROS meets precision agriculture at Blue River Technology

If you were to design the worst possible environment for software engineering, the cramped jump seat of a John Deere tractor would be a contender. The sound and vibration of the engine makes conversat...

ShanghAI Lectures: Claude Patrick Siegenthaler “In Search of Embodied Intelligence in Markets”

  05 Jun 2014
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2011-11-03 In this guest lecture, Claude Patrick Siegenthaler from Switzerland gives a brief introduction to economics and markets and relates them to intellige...

How do self-driving cars work?

  03 Jun 2014
Nissan’s autonomous car prototype - 2013, photo:Nissan Global Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, recently announced that the car manufacturer will produce self-driving cars within three years. Nissan has announ...

EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme – 240,000 new jobs expected

  03 Jun 2014
The European Commission and 180 companies and research organisations (under the umbrella of euRobotics) have launched the world’s largest civilian research and innovation programme in robotics....

Droplets: A low-cost swarm robotics platform for teaching and experimentation

  02 Jun 2014
We have developed a new swarm robotic platform that falls in size, cost and capability between Harvard’s kilobot and the e-Puck. The Droplet is almost spherical, can self-right after being poured ou...



Russian robotics, with Roman Luchin and Andrew Gryaznov

  30 May 2014
In this episode, Sabine speaks with Andrew Gryaznov, co-founder of Cubic Robotics and Roman Luchin, CEO of CyberTech Labs, about robotics in Russia. They provide us with an inside view on robotics edu...

Reader Poll: Should autonomous cars be allowed to speed?

We conducted two polls last month in collaboration with the Open Roboethics initiative to get a sense of what people think about autonomous cars. Our polls started some interesting discussions arou...

Advanced nanometer-scale manufacturing technologies

  27 May 2014
From astronomical telescopes to household-use cameras, from aircraft to cellphones, from semiconductor devices to medical instruments …  All kinds of optical, mechanical, and electronic products ar...

Kids with wheels: Should the unlicensed be allowed to ‘drive’ autonomous cars?

Share your opinion and take our next reader poll: Should autonomous cars be allowed to speed?Reader poll results: Earlier this month, when we asked people about your general thoughts on autonomous c...

Transforming robots to transform your room

  24 May 2014
In the future, Roombots could replace furniture (Biorobotics Laboratory, EPFL). The word “robot” conjures up many different things to many people, but how many of them immediately think of furnit...

New video shows range and versatility of professional service robots

  23 May 2014
A new video promoting this year's AUTOMATICA event in Munich offers an excellent primer in the state of professional service robotics in Europe. Check out the video here:...

30 years of AI with Rolf Pfeifer: A robotics legend delivers his farewell talk

  21 May 2014
Source: University of Zurich Mediadesk Watch Rolf Pfeifer’s farewell lecture at the University of Zurich, broadcasting live on Robohub Friday May 23, 2014 (18:00–19:30 CEST/16:00–17:30 UTC). ...

ROS in the cockpit

There's a new DARPA-funded effort to develop software and hardware to assist pilots in various kinds of aircraft. The program is called ALIAS, for Aircrew Labor In-Cockpit Automation System (apparentl...

Robot Launch Finals

and   20 May 2014
Watch the live stream from the 2014 Robot Launch Finals, starting today May 20 at 10AM Pacific. From over 60 entries from all around the world, our judges have narrowed it down to six finalists: DoBo...

Extreme-environment robotics under development at Keio University

  20 May 2014
At Keio University in Japan, the Ishigami Laboratory, in the Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, is investigating robotic mobility systems. The main mission of thi...

Fast robot arm catches flying objects | Automaton

  15 May 2014
At the Learning Algorithms and Systems Laboratory at EPFL, they're leveraging fast vision, fast computers, fast controllers, fast motors, programming by demonstration, and object modeling to be able ...

Robot Launch 2014 Finals May 20 – Vote now for People’s Choice

  14 May 2014
Today we announce the six finalists from Robot Launch who will be presenting their pitches online live to a panel of expert judges on Tuesday May 20 at 10am PDT. Join us then to see who takes home the...

Reader poll: Should the unlicensed be allowed to ‘drive’ an autonomous car?

Image from Wikimedia Commons Two weeks ago we published our first reader poll in collaboration with the Open Roboethics initiative in order to find out more about what people think about autono...

What do people think about autonomous cars? Results from our reader poll

What do people think are the main advantages of owning an autonomous car? Do people think autonomous cars should be easily identifiable? How much money are people willing to pay for an autonomous car ...

Robot Launch 2014 – Robohub People’s Choice round three

  07 May 2014
For the next three weeks, Robohub readers can vote for the "People's Choice" startup from the Robot Launch competition. Each week, we're going to publish 10 videos from our Top 30 and during our live...

Grasping unknown objects

  06 May 2014
This post is part of our ongoing efforts to make the latest papers in robotics accessible to a general audience. To manipulate objects, robots are often required to estimate their position and orie...

Gzweb for mobile platforms

Gzweb Mobile from OSRF on Vimeo. During her Gnome Outreach Program for Women internship with OSRF, Louise Poubel made Gzweb work on mobile platforms by designing a mobile-friendly interface and imp...

Robot Launch 2014: Robohub People’s Choice Round Two

  30 Apr 2014
For the next three weeks, Robohub readers can vote for the "People's Choice" startup from the Robot Launch competition. Each week, we're going to publish 10 videos from our Top 30, and during our liv...

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