
What should a robot do? Designing robots that know right from wrong

and   29 Apr 2014
A large robot comes out of an office mailroom carrying a package marked “Urgent” to deliver to the boss upstairs. After navigating down the hall at maximum speed, it discovers someone is already w...

Reader poll: What do you think about autonomous cars?

Today we drive our cars. In the future they’ll do the driving. Autonomous cars are no longer a far-off futuristic dream, but something that we can expect to see on the road within the next dec...

EuRoC Info Day is just around the corner

  28 Apr 2014
The European Robotics Challenge (EuRoC) Info Day will take place on May 5, 2014 at the Fraunhofer IPA auditorium in Stuttgart, Germany. Interested participants will have the opportunity to present t...

ShanghAI Lectures 2013, Lecture 10 – Future Trends

  28 Apr 2014
This week we publish the tenth and last of the ShanghAI Lectures 2013 Edition on Robohub. We have been releasing  a new lecture from this series on Monday for several weeks and this is the last one....

Show us your AI – AAAI Video Competition

  27 Apr 2014
Update The submission deadline has been extended to May 4. Submit your AI and robotics videos for a chance to be featured on Robohub and win a Shakey Award at the AAAI Video Competition....

Robot Launch 2014 – Robohub People’s Choice Round One

  23 Apr 2014
For the next three weeks, Robohub readers can vote for the "People's Choice" startup from the Robot Launch competition. Each week, we're going to publish 10 videos from our Top 30 and during our live ...

ROBOTS: From imagination to market

  17 Apr 2014
UPDATE Video and live tweets! Join us for a full day seminar and networking event at MIT on April 17 called "ROBOTS: From Imagination to Market". Starting with an introduction to robots in science fic...

ShanghAI Lectures: Verena Hafner “Interactive Robotics”

  17 Apr 2014
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2010-11-18 Sensorimotor interaction between an agent and its environment seems to be the key ingredient to develop intelligent behaviour. In this talk, the impo...

Robot Launch 2014: First round favorites

  16 Apr 2014
We had a some amazing entries in Robot Launch 2014 across a wide range of fields, and not all of our favorites made it through to the Top 30. So we’d like to share some highlights of the First Round...

ShanghAI Lectures: Patrick van der Smagt “Biomimetic Robotics”

  10 Apr 2014
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2010-10-21 In this guest presentation, Patrick van der Smagt talks about biomimetic approaches to robot control, kinematics, grasping, and ways to use the human...

ShanghAI Lectures 2013, Lecture 9 – Towards a theory of intelligence

  07 Apr 2014
Lecture 9: Towards a theory of intelligence This lecture, which I hosted at the the University Carlos III (Madrid, Spain), suggests principles and design guidelines for the development of embodied ...

Termite-Inspired Construction, with Justin Werfel

  04 Apr 2014
Link to audio file (28:48)In this episode, we talk to Justin Werfel from the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University about their latest paper published in Science o...

€ 7M EuRoC competition opens call to ignite EU manufacturing industry

  02 Apr 2014
The call for Europe's newest robotics competition opened yesterday when a consortium of leading robotics and research institutions from across the EU announced the launch of the European Robotics Chal...

The intersection of engineering and neuroscience: Dan Bacher on BrainGate and assistive technologies

and   01 Apr 2014
Dan Bacher has always been fascinated by two things: electrical engineering and neuroscience. While these interests may seem divergent, the synthesis of them led him to Brown University’s BrainGate ...

ShanghAI Lectures: Nikolaos Mavridis “Robots, language, and social networks”

  27 Mar 2014
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2010-12-16 The lecture starts with a short introduction to the Interactive Robots and Media Lab and the United Arab Emirates. Then, it continues by exploring so...

Last days to enter Robot Launch 2014

  26 Mar 2014
Robot Launch 2014 is the first global online startup competition for robotics, and as the deadline for first round entrants approaches (11pm PDT on March 30) we're excited to see just where in the w...

Finding perfection in the imperfect: Applying Darwinian neuro-evolution to robotics

and   25 Mar 2014
When it comes to complex tasks like building a house, many people with different skills work together to accomplish a single, larger goal. Instead of trying to create a perfect robot capable of buildi...

Introducing the Cybathlon

  24 Mar 2014
As we have been enjoying amazing scenes from Sochi, Russia where disabled athletes have been completing in the winter Paralympics, researchers in Switzerland have been considering a new route for athl...

PulsedLight, Project Tango, Occipital and the Prime Sense problem

  24 Mar 2014
Ever since Apple bought Prime Sense, roboticists have been asking what’s going to fill the gap. Robots need to know where they are and what’s around them. The Carmine, and the unveiled but undeliv...

ShanghAI Lectures: Louis-Philippe Demers “Embodiment and robotic arts”

  21 Mar 2014
The Blind Robot by Louis-Philippe Demers is a reference to the works of Merleau-Ponty and his example of the body extension of the blind man’s cane, where the cane not only senses the world but also...

DARPA’s Gill Pratt on Google’s robotics investments

and   19 Mar 2014
When Google bought Boston Dynamics last December, the news made headlines, but it was not the first time the Internet giant has invested in DARPA-funded robotics. As part of Robohub's Big Deals series...

Self-contained soft-bodied robotic fish

and   19 Mar 2014
What looks like a fish, swims like a fish but isn’t a fish? The latest in soft-bodied robots created by team of engineers of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at th...

ShanghAI Lectures 2013, Lecture 8-II – Education and Industry Session

  18 Mar 2014
Lecture 8-II: Education and Industry Session This lecture hosted by Prof. Samia Nefti-Meziani from the University of Salford, Manchester, UK, is about higher education and industrial impact of the ...

Robotics in reach: Your smartphone could be a robot brain

and   18 Mar 2014
António Câmara is a man with a vision. Despite the widespread adoption of computers and digital technology over the last few decades, how we interact with that technology, and use technology to i...

Lifehand 2 prosthetic grips and senses like a real hand

  12 Mar 2014
Amputee Dennis Aabo Sørensen wearing sensory feedback enabled prosthetic in Rome, February 2013 (Lifehand 2, Patrizia Tocci). Roboticists and doctors working in Switzerland and Italy have come toget...

Machine consciousness: Fact or fiction?

and   10 Mar 2014
My workday is over. What do I want to do now? I picture calling my wife to suggest dinner at that nice Italian restaurant and imagine the taste of gnocchi quattro formaggi. Then I remember promising ...

Micro bio-bots powered by beating heart cells

and   10 Mar 2014
Photo by Alex Jerez Roman, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology A paper in Nature Communications earlier this year reports on "bio-bots". These tiny machines inspired by sperm, are ...

ShanghAI Lectures 2013, Lecture 8-I – Ontogenetic development: From locomotion to cognition

  10 Mar 2014
Lecture 8-I: Ontogenetic development: From locomotion to cognition In this lecture, hosted at the University Carlos III of Madrid in Spain, I show how it is possible to ground ‘understanding...

The gateway to advanced neuroprosthetics: Jessica Feldman talks BrainGate and BCI

and   07 Mar 2014
If the human brain is considered a computer, what does that mean for science and our lives? Could we repair damaged areas, replace damaged parts, or even upgrade our own minds? It might sound like lit...

ShanghAI Lectures: Shuhei Miyashita “Tribolon: Scalable Self-Assembling Robots”

  06 Mar 2014
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2010-12-02 Self-assembly is of crucial importance in the biological realm at all scales. This talk introduces a series of self-assembling robots developed in ou...

Quadrocopter failsafe algorithm: Recovery after propeller loss

  04 Mar 2014
UPDATE 04/03/2014: In this video update, we show that a quadrocopter can be safely piloted by hand after a motor fails, without the aid of a motion capture system. This follows our previous video, ...

Engineers build brain-controlled music player

and   04 Mar 2014
Imagine if playing music was as simple at looking at your laptop screen. Now it is thanks to Kenneth Camilleri and his team of researchers from the Department of Systems and Control Engineering and th...

Academic and industry collaboration (Part 4): Interview with Raffaello D’Andrea

  28 Feb 2014
In this 4th interview of our four-part ECHORD series, conducted last June, Sascha Griffiths from TUM talks to Raffaello D'Andrea, Professor of Dynamic Systems and Control at ETH Zurich and technical c...

ShanghAI Lectures: Serge Kernbach “Collective and Modular Robotics: Fundamentials and Frontiers”

  27 Feb 2014
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2010-12-02 Collective systems play very important role on Earth, and we encounter them in all sizes, scales and forms; in biological and technological areas; in...

Using geometry to help robots map their environment

  26 Feb 2014
This post is part of our ongoing efforts to make the latest papers in robotics accessible to a general audience. To get around unknown environments, most robots will need to build maps. To help the...

From disembodied bytes to robots that think and act like humans

and   25 Feb 2014
When IBM’s Watson supercomputer triumphed over two top Jeopardy champions in February 2011, the media buzzed with talk of artificial intelligence (AI), just as it had fourteen years earlier wh...

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