
Andra Keay on “What were the highlights at IROS/iREX this year?”

  13 Nov 2013
For me, the highlight of IROS was the Uncanny Valley special session, although the sheer size of the IROS conference and the parallel iRex industrial and service robot expo also gave much food for tho...

Insect-inspired flying robot handles collisions, goes where other robots can’t

  30 Oct 2013
Gimball is a flying robot that survives collisions. It weighs just 370g for 34cm in diameter. Photo credit: A. Herzog, EPFL. Generally, flying robots are programmed to avoid obstacles, which is far ...

Transformational robotics and its application to agriculture

  25 Oct 2013
No, this is not about shapeshifting robots, come to save or destroy Earth. It is about transforming the contexts within which robotic technologies are applied, and about practicing robotics with the i...

UBR-1 robot from Unbounded Robotics revolutionizes affordable mobile manipulation | Automaton

  21 Oct 2013
Why Affordable Mobile Manipulation Matters Why could UBR-1 be so revolutionary for robotics right now? Really, it's the general area of mobile manipulation that has a huge amount of potential for t...

Unbounded Robotics launch affordable, all-purpose UBR-1

  21 Oct 2013
Unbounded Robotics today launched UBR-1, a robot that has many of us very excited. UBR is the first robot with intelligence, manipulation and mobility for below $50k. While UBR definitely resembles a ...

Robotic cornucopia: Robohub focuses on the state-of-the-art and the future of agricultural robotics

  18 Oct 2013
With an ever-increasing need to feed the world's hungry, the agricultural sector has long been an important boon to the field of robotics: the sector's widespread acceptance and use of automation tec...

Pioneers kickstarts the start-up scene with a hands-on celebration of innovation

  17 Oct 2013
Andreas Tschas (far left) and Juergen Furian (far right) present a cheque to the 2012 Startup Challenge winner Poikos (centre). Photo credit: Heisenberg Media. When founders Andreas Tschas and Juerge...

25 women in robotics you need to know about (2013)

In celebration of Ada Lovelace Day, we've compiled a short list of some women in robotics that everyone should know about. There are so many many more that we're already looking forward to featuring t...

Is open source a good business model for robotics?

  09 Oct 2013
Open source vs. proprietary software is an age old question. Since the advent of robotics, we also have the question of open source hardware. In academia, where robotics researchers look to open so...

Robert Morris on “Is open source a good business model for robotics?”

  09 Oct 2013
The premise of this question is that robotics companies are manufacturers and that there is choice between an open source and closed source business model.  Robotics companies are best thought of as ...

Brian Gerkey on “Is open source a good business model for robotics?”

  09 Oct 2013
The IT economy has powerfully demonstrated what happens when companies can leverage open source infrastructure when they build new products and services.  A company like Google would never have come ...

Floating interactive display could be used in ATMs of the future

  09 Oct 2013
The Aerial Imaging (AI) Plate, developed by Asukanet, is a next-generation display device which can form an image which appears to be floating in midair from light that passes through it. By combining...

Robotics heavyweights keep it entertaining at 2013 Northeast Robotics Colloquium

Prof. Conor Walsh (left) and Dr. Panagiotis Polygerinos (right) discuss a soft robotic glove designed for hand rehabilitation. Photo credit: Kirstin Hagelskjær Petersen. The 2nd annual Northeast Ro...

Frank Tobe on “Is open source a good business model for robotics?”

  09 Oct 2013
To be able to choose between proprietary software packages is to be able to choose your master. Freedom means not having a master. Freedom means not using proprietary software. - Richard Stallman, o...

Boston Dynamics announces new WildCat quadruped robot | Automaton

  07 Oct 2013
Boston Dynamics has just updated its YouTube channel with some new videos. One of them is an update on Atlas. Another is an update on LS3. And the third is this: WildCat, a totally new quadruped rob...

MIT deploys swarm of self-assembling robot cubes | Automaton

  07 Oct 2013
MIT research scientist John Romanishin has been working on (or at least thinking about) M-Blocks for the past several years, but from the sound of things, everyone thought he was nuts until he manag...

Don’t build robots, build robot systems

  07 Oct 2013
Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Why aren't there more intelligent mobile robots in real world applications? It's a good question, and one I'm often asked. The answer I give most often is tha...

Don’t blame technology for persistent unemployment | Slate

  06 Oct 2013
Posting on the Slate blog Future Tense, James Bessen takes issue with the notion that technology causes unemployment, illustrating his point by debunking a pair of frequently cited examples, textile w...

Co-robots really ARE a BIG thing

  05 Oct 2013
UPDATED: October 6, 2013 Small and medium shops and factories (SMEs) are an untapped marketplace for robotics but direly in need of automation to remain competitive in this global economy. Two ne...

Ship hull cleaning & inspection – ideal for robots

  30 Sep 2013
... Harvest Automation launched their business after reviewing the top 10 areas where low-cost and often hard-to-find labor was most needed. They chose the ag business. ... Boating and shipping are...

Winners of the euRathlon 2013 land robotics competition announced!

  30 Sep 2013
Robot TeodorPrime of team FKIE opening the suitcase that contains explosive material. Photo credits: euRathlon. euRathlon is an outdoor robotics competition where teams test the intelligence and aut...

Students hope their ship inspection robot will significantly reduce dry-dock time for maritime transport industry, improve safety for inspectors

Students take a research tour with Damen ship repairs in Rotterdam. A team of students from ETH Zurich and ZHdK have developed a prototype for a robotic ship inspection unit that is capable of cond...

euRathlon 2013 land robotics competition – Day Four recap

  29 Sep 2013
The autonomous robot MuCAR-3 from team MuCAR (University of the Bundeswehr Munich) arrives. Photo credits: Aaron Boardley. Clouds, mist and rain accompanied the fourth day of euRathlon 2013 civilian ...

euRathlon 2013 land robotics competition – Day Three recap

  27 Sep 2013
UAV pilot demostration carried out by CATEC during the euRathlon 2013 workshop. Photo credits: Aaron Boardley. The sun was shining again on the third day of euRathlon 2013 outdoor robotics competitio...

Ankle assist walking device helps stroke survivors walk more easily

  27 Sep 2013
Yaskawa Electric has developed an ankle assist walking device, to help people who've had a stroke to walk more easily, by encouraging a longer and more confident gait....

OAK, a Kinect-based active support system for the severely disabled

  26 Sep 2013
OAK, which stands for 'Observation and Access with Kinect', is a software application for use by people with severe disabilities. It has been developed by RCAST at the University of Tokyo, in collabor...

euRathlon 2013 land robotics competition – Day Two recap

  25 Sep 2013
Fraunhofer FKIE team's robot gets ready to enter the USAR scenario. Photo credits: Aaron Boardley. The second day of euRathlon competition started with the opening session of the euRathlon 2013 wor...

PacX Challenge winner shows large scale ocean mapping abilities

  25 Sep 2013
In 2011, Liquid Robotics launched the PacX Challenge for monitoring ocean data. More than 2000 people signed up for the challenge and 5 finalists were selected. 15 months, 9442 miles and 5.5 million d...

euRathlon 2013 land robotics competition – Day One recap

  24 Sep 2013
Robot Telemax of Telerob team, moving the canister full of hazardous material from the loading platform. Photo credit: Aaron Boardley. euRathlon is a new civilian outdoor robotics competition focused...

From the mouths of babes (or in this case, iCubs)

  23 Sep 2013
... At a recent demo of iCub at the Italian Institute of Culture in Los Angeles, IIT Professor and director of the iCub project, Giorgio Metta discussed not only iCub’s progress, but the state of th...

Origami Robots, with Nick Kohut

  20 Sep 2013
Link to audio file (24:09) In this episode Matthew Schroyer speaks with Nick Kohut, CEO of Dash Robotics, about their foldable hexapod robot and the ongoing crowdfunding campaign to get them into the...

14 teams qualify for euRathlon land competition

  17 Sep 2013
Teams participating in ELROB land robotics competition tune up their robots. Photo credits: ELROB Buildings that are collapsed or on fire, tunnels flooded with smoke or water, unstructured areas subj...

Bionic Man documentary to air in October in US

  16 Sep 2013
Photo credit: James Cheadle A real-life million-dollar bionic man with artificial organs, synthetic blood and robotic limbs has been created to (1) showcase what’s possible with modern science and ...

This robotic prosthetic hand can be made for just $1000

  11 Sep 2013
The Dextrus hand is a robotic hand that can be put together for well under £650 ($1000) and offers much of the functionality of a human hand. Existing prosthetic hands are magnificent devices, capa...

Researchers use single joystick to control swarm of RC robots

  09 Sep 2013
What can you do with 12 RC robots all slaved to the same joystick remote control?  Common sense might say you need 11 more remotes, but our video demonstrates you can steer all the robots to any desi...

RoCKIn Robot Challenge looks at task scenarios to help shape future competitions

  07 Sep 2013
RoCKIn is a three-year EU project that aims to use robot competitions in order to innovate smarter, more dependable robots, and to increase public awareness of robotics.  Part of its focus is to look...

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