
#ICRA2016 photo essay

A small photo essay from this year’s ICRA in Stockholm featuring photos from the exhibition hall. At the end, you can watch a video with all the companies, their robots and systems. (All phot...
30 May 2016, by

Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) livestream today

For the very first time, the 6th International Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Meeting Series will offer free remote attendance, via live-stream. Livestream will be available today, Monday 30 May,...
30 May 2016, by

‘Robot kindergarten’ trains droids of the future

Less than 100 years from now, robots will be friendly, useful participants in our homes and workplaces, predicts UBC mechanical engineering professor and robotics expert Elizabeth Croft. We will be li...

Robots can help reduce 35% of work days lost to injury

What's the biggest benefit for using collaborative robots? It's not better efficiency. It's not the extra hours the robot can work in a shift. It's not even having improved consistency across your pr...
27 May 2016, by and

Why businesses must get ready for the era of robotic things

We’ve entered a period of epic technological transformation that is impacting society in ways that are leaving even veteran tech observers speechless. In some ways, it might seem like 1998 all over ...
27 May 2016, by

Robotics narratives: Here, there, and everywhere

UW-Madison Science Narratives and partners have joined together to create a 5-month video and audio adventure, exploring the work of Dr Bilge Mutlu and colleagues as they craft robots from a human per...

Developing cost-effective, capable, surgical robots with a sense of “touch”

This article was first published on IEC e-tech. Robotic‑assisted surgery involves a surgeon using a computer‑assisted electro‑mechanical device to carry out complex and technically demanding...
24 May 2016, by

Building a startup ecosystem for robotics in Europe

It’s an exciting time to have a startup in robotics. The European startup ecosystem is improving year-after-year and provides networking, mentoring and funding opportunities. The aim is to build a v...
20 May 2016, by

Bringing robots to retail: Interview with Fellow Robots CEO and co-founder, Marco Mascorro

Robotics today is a fast growing industry with applications in myriad markets, including retail, transportation, manufacturing, and even as personal assistants. Fellow Robots is at the forefront of re...
19 May 2016, by and

Making an autonomous robotic ecosystem: Hortum Machina B

Largely architecture is understood as static. Buildings do not conform to nature, its environment and nor to human beings. We, as architects, feel the need to integrate plants in buildings to the poi...

#ICRA16 duckies and robots video: Mini-micro robots

The robotics community have created a series of video tributes that showcase some of the contributions to ICRA, the largest conference in the field of robotics and automation. The final video feat...
13 May 2016, by

Robohub roundtable: Robotics and space exploration

Every few weeks, Robohub will post a roundtable chat and discuss an engaging topic relating to robotics. In this edition, we looked at how can robotics can be part of space exploration. Privatisation ...
11 May 2016, by

SVR Case Studies: OATV investing in early stage service robotics

OATV, or O’Reilly AlphaTech Ventures, is a seed stage investment firm based in San Francisco with a track record of backing robotics startups in emerging areas. As well as investing in Fetch Robotic...
05 May 2016, by and

#ICRA16 duckies and robots: a poetic tribute

ICRA is the largest conference on Robotics and Automation. This year, the robotics community reflected on the strong and natural relationship between robots and rubber duckies. This is the result: ...
04 May 2016, by

Robohub roundtable: Why is it so difficult to define ‘robot’?

Put on your thinking caps. Every few weeks, Robohub will conduct a roundtable discussion. In this edition, we discuss the challenges and limitations in defining the word ‘robot’. We strongly encou...
29 April 2016, by

Robotics narratives: If I only had a brain

UW-Madison Science Narratives and partners have joined together to create a 5-month video and audio adventure, exploring the work of Dr Bilge Mutlu and colleagues as they craft robots from a human per...

4 reasons why Industry 4.0 will leave AGVs behind

By Paula de Villavicencio Technology has been in development for the last decade and has now come to fruition in the form of self-driving vehicles. These vehicles are driving into industrial cente...
22 April 2016, by

Collaborative robots and breaking down evolving risk assessment

During the last 50 years, industrial robots have been increasingly used in manufacturing industries around the world. The technology has been evolving and adapting to the needs of its users. Over the ...
14 April 2016, by and

Why robots need to be able to say ‘No’

Should you always do what other people tell you to do? Clearly not. Everyone knows that. So should future robots always obey our commands? At first glance, you might think they should, simply because ...
13 April 2016, by

Performing rescue missions with drone networks: Interview with Samira Hayat

Samira Hayat is following her calling: She has been a member of the Mobile Systems research team at the Department of Networked and Embedded Systems since 2012. Before that, she studied in Trento. Ma...
13 April 2016, by

Celebrating robot makers and enthusiasts at the 7th Annual Silicon Valley Robot Block Party

On April 6th, Jabil Blue Sky Innovation Center hosted the 7th Annual Silicon Valley Robot Block Party. The free event was ‘sold out,’ with more than 2000 RSVPs and 40 companies in attendance. Th...
12 April 2016, by and

Where should robots go when they retire?

Most robots, when their creators are done with them, meet one of two fates. Either they’re stashed away, in some corner of a lab, closet or basement, or they’re cannibalized to make another robot....
12 April 2016, by

Considering the future of law and robotics: We Robot 2016 video recap

The fifth annual We Robot conference at University of Miami School of Law celebrated its most international and interdisciplinary group of participants yet, with people across the globe attending...
11 April 2016, by

Celebrating National Robotics Week at Robot Garden

For a small group, Robot Garden has the most National Robotics Week activities in the whole US. But that’s hardly surprising, as Robot Garden is a maker space in Livermore, California with a focus...
06 April 2016, by and

15 robot portraits taken with an 1880s camera

Amsterdam-based photographer Wanda Tuerlinckx feels inspired by the slow style of classic photography. So influenced, in fact, you can find her observing all her subjects through an old-fashioned...
05 April 2016, by

Gestures improve communication – even with robots

By: Abigail Pattenden In the world of robot communication, it seems actions speak louder than words. Scientists in the UK have discovered that by getting robot avatars to “talk with their hands,...
31 March 2016, by

Robotics narratives: Look alive

UW-Madison Science Narratives and partners have joined together to create a 5-month video and audio adventure, exploring the work of Dr Bilge Mutlu and colleagues as they craft robots from a human per...

Weekly smiles from the queen of useless robots

Simone Giertz, the 25-year-old Swedish inventor who lives on a houseboat in Stockholm, is called ‘the queen of shitty robots.’ She has attracted thousands of followers with her quirky contraptio...
24 March 2016, by

ROSCon 2015 recap and videos – part 2

ROSCon is an annual conference focused on ROS, the Robot Operating System. Every year, hundreds of ROS developers of all skill levels and backgrounds, from industry to academia, come together to teach...

Robotics narratives: Your move, robot

UW-Madison Science Narratives and partners have joined together to create a 5-month video and audio adventure, exploring the work of Dr Bilge Mutlu and colleagues as they craft robots from a human per...

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