We’re pleased to announce the public release of information on a long-standing collaboration between OSRF and Sandia National Labs. The Intelligent Systems Control Department at Sandia is developing...
ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich are founding a new translational research centre at the interface of medicine, science and engineering: the Wyss Translational Center Zurich. A USD 120 million ...
Hypotheses about the evolution of traits in ancient species are difficult to test, as the relevant animals have often been extinct for thousands or millions of years. In the present study, a populatio...
The fundamental research in computing and engineering that has enabled robotics to develop in the US has been supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) since its inception. Yet despite these ...
This post is part of our ongoing efforts to make the latest papers in robotics accessible to a general audience.
Robots that interact with everyday users may need a combination of speech, gaze, and...
Anyone who has ever watched a humanoid robot move around in the real world — an "unstructured environment," in research parlance — knows how hard it is for a machine to plan complex movements, bal...
Our newest video interview features PhD student Joydeep Biswas, who works with Dr. Manuela Veloso’s CORAL research group, and scientist Brian Coltin, who is at NASA's Ames Intelligent Research g...
From disaster recovery to caring for the elderly in the home, scientists and engineers are developing robots that can handle critical tasks in close proximity to humans, safely and with greater resili...
By Meghan Hennessey
What’s the NERVE Center, you ask? It’s the robot testing facility at the University of Massachusetts Lowell and THE place to be when visiting the Boston area. We couldn...
Automating repetitive surgical subtasks such as cutting and debridement can facilitate supervised tele-surgery, and reduce surgeon fatigue and procedure times. Programming these tasks can be difficu...
Traditionally, many key robot components (including sensors and actuators) are rigid, and this makes it difficult for researchers and industry to make them truly compliant with their surroundings. It...
We have developed a visually controlled bipedal running robot named ACHIRES: Actively Coordinated High-speed Image-processing Running Experiment System. [tweetquote]This robot has a leg length of 14cm...
When it comes to the future of computing, there is one major known and a principal unknown.
The known, with almost guaranteed certainty, is that the next era of computing will be wearables. The unk...
Ant Intelligent Robot (AIR) is a small and powerful mobile robot platform that is designed to be used in a heterogeneous robotic swarm that is currently under development at the Laboratory of Artific...
The EU-funded Collective Cognitive Robotics (CoCoRo) project has built a swarm of 41 autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) that show collective cognition. Throughout 2015 – The Year of CoCoRo ...
The future is in the hands of tiny robots, really tiny robots — and the expectation is that they will perform miraculous tasks, such as eye surgery and environmental cleanup.
Brad Nelson heads th...
In this episode, Audrow Nash interviews Peter Corke from Queensland University of Technology, about computer vision - the subject of his plenary talk at IROS 2014 (link to slides below). He begins ...
Last month at IROS the SV-ROS team Maxed-Out won the Microsoft Kinect Challenge. In this post Mathieu Labbé describes the mapping approach the team used to help them win....
A few years ago, researchers at the University of British Columbia (AJung Moon, Peter Danielson and Mike Van der Loos) studied the public acceptance of a number of diff...
In my last post I wrote about our work on robots with internal models: robots with a simulation of themselves and their environment inside themselves. I explained that we have built a robot with a ...
A few weeks ago, Pi Robot and I joined the Silicon Valley ROS Users Group (SV-ROS) to help with the effort (already under way) to prepare for a challenging robot navigation contest held at the end ...
More pitches from the interactive sessions at IROS: soft untethered robots that jump, visual localization within LIDAR maps, time-delayed tele-operated surgical robotics, and grippers. See also Part ...
Last December, an article named “Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning” was uploaded to arXiv by employees of a small AI company called DeepMind. Two months later [tweetquote]Google bough...
Link to audio file (26:36), or listen on iTunes
In this interview TechEmergence talks to Dr. Christoph Guger, founder of gTec, a company that focuses on creating devices and parts for the field of...
So. We've been busy in the lab the last few months. Really exciting. Let me explain.
For a couple of years I've been thinking about robots with internal models. Not internal models in the classical...
Brain-computer interfacing (BCI) is a rapidly growing field that offers huge potential for many applications, such as medical grade BCIs to help people with sensory-motor disabilities. Currently, a nu...
In this episode, Audrow Nash interviews John Romanishin from MIT, about his modular robotics project ‘M-Blocks’. M-Blocks are small cubes (5 cm on a side) that have no external actuators, yet the...
Guest talk in the ShanghAI Lectures, 2011-12-15
In this guest lecture, Kevin Warwick from the University of Reading, UK, talks about a closed-loop interface between a biological network and a robot, ...
Luis F. C. Figueredo, from Automation and Robotics Lab. at the University of Brasilia (Currently working with the Model-based Embedded and Robotic Systems Group in the CSAIL Lab at MIT). Luis came up ...
Link to audio file (23:28), or listen on iTunes
In this interview, TechEmergence talks to Dr. Beata Jarosiewicz from Brown's BrainGate project about the science of making sense of the brain's inner...
There have been several stories in the last few weeks about emotional robots - robots that feel. Some are suggesting that this is the next big thing in robotics. It's something I wrote about in t...
New research coming out of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) suggests that letting robots have control over human tasks in manufac...
This post is part of our ongoing efforts to make the latest papers in robotics accessible to a general audience.
Imagine a scenario where a robot and a human are collaborating side by side to perfo...