
Study shows public perception of robotics generally positive in EU, but declining

and   25 Jun 2015
A major study into European attitudes toward automation has found that while almost two thirds of people polled feel generally positive about robots, public acceptance of them in the EU is in dec...

WeRobot 2015 Panel 3: Robotics governance, with Peter Asaro, Jason Millar, Kirsten Thomasen and David Post

[clear] What are the challenges facing governance and regulation of emerging robotic technologies? Peter Asaro of the New School, Jason Millar of Queen’s University, Kristen Thomasen of the Unive...

In the future, robots will be ubiquitous

  20 Jun 2015
The July/August issue of Foreign Affairs magazine has a number of dispatches from the frontlines of the robotics revolution....

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 6/15/15

The Pentagon’s 1033 program, which transfers excess military equipment to domestic law enforcement, has resulted in the proliferation of unmanned ground vehicles in police departments across the cou...

WeRobot 2015 Panel 2: Robot passports, with Anupam Chander

Anupam Chander’s paper, “Robots, the Internet of Things and the future of trade,” is the first effort to locate and analyze these complimentary technologies within an international trading frame...

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 6/8/15

The House and Senate have released proposed Pentagon budget bills that differ in drone spending from Obama’s proposed budget in several key points. We analyzed these differences to glean how they re...

The Drone Center’s Weekly Roundup: 6/1/15

At the Center for the Study of the Drone On May 20, the U.S. government released 103 documents seized during the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in 2011. The documents, which have been translated ...

Transport Canada proposes amendments to sUAV regulations

  01 Jun 2015
On May 28th, Transport Canada released a Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) outlining proposed changes to the regulatory framework governing small UAVs. If adopted, the changes would take effect in 20...

Talking Machines: Neil Lawrence on privacy in the age of machine learning

  22 May 2015
In episode eleven we chat with Neil Lawrence from the University of Sheffield. We talk about the problems of privacy in the age of machine learning, and the responsibilities that come with using mach...

WeRobot 2015 Panel 1: Anthropomorphizing robots, with Kate Darling

As we increasingly create spaces where robotic technology interacts with humans, our tendency to project lifelike qualities onto robots raises questions around use and policy. In this We Robot 2015 pa...

Igniting a debate on legal, therapeutic and educational robotics

The benefits of assistive technologies are well known – reduced inefficiencies, low costs, available 24/7 and much more. But not so well known are the appropriate legal regulations that need to be ...

Teaching robots to behave ethically

and   05 May 2015
What should a robot nurse do when a cancer patient begs for more morphine but the supervising doctor is not available to approve the request? Should a self-driving car prevent its owner from taking ov...

Steffi Paepcke on Robots, women and design: Opportunities abound

This piece was written by Steffi Paepcke as a precursor to the Silicon Valley Robotics panel titled “Women in Robotics: Challenge or Opportunity?”  Let me get the basic statistics out of t...

Video describes accelerating robot deployment in China

  27 Apr 2015
In response to rising labor costs combined with a shortage of workers, China has begun to provide incentives to encourage businesses to utilize robots to replace factory workers....

Japan looks to distributed, cooperative control to help manage energy market deregulation

  21 Apr 2015
Japan's power industry is currently centralized, but it aims to deregulate by around 2020. Coupled with this major structural market change, the expansion of thermal, nuclear and renewable power gener...

Why Google’s robot personality patent isn’t what it appears to be

  16 Apr 2015
[tweetquote]Google’s new patent: Less about creating robot personalities than collecting yours.[/tweetquote]...

Amazon Prime Air gets an updated FAA exemption

  13 Apr 2015
In a 9-page legal letter, with 28 itemized conditions and limitations, the FAA issued an exemption to Amazon to enable Prime Air to test in US airspace....

Should robots make life/death decisions? UN to discuss lethal autonomous weapons next week

Should robots be allowed to make life and death decisions? This will be the topic of heated debate at the United Nations (UN) Palais des Nations in Geneva next week (April 13-17th, 2015). As part of...

#WeRobot 2015 on now in Seattle

  10 Apr 2015
The fourth annual We Robot conference on robotics, law and policy kicked off today in Seattle at the University of Washington School of Law. ...

The future of work: Robots, unions and globalization

  08 Apr 2015
Last week Bloomberg News asked the question: What's destroying middle-class wages? and suggested three hypotheses: robots, unions and China. This week SingularityHUB launched a series exploring th...

Peter Asaro: Challenges and approaches to developing policy for robots

  02 Apr 2015
As part of the Center for Information Technology Policy (CIPT) Luncheon speaker series, Peter Asaro gives a talk on developing policy for robots. ...

Europe agrees on regulatory drone framework to move industry forward

  28 Mar 2015
There is not a week that goes by where regulation isn't a hot topic when it comes to drones. But for any regulated industry where technology is advancing greater than new rules can be agreed upon, it...

‘Robots or jobs’ is key focus of #ERF2015

  12 Mar 2015
The importance of allaying public fears that robots will create mass unemployment was the theme of the opening session at the 2015 European Robotics Forum (ERF), which kicked off in Vienna on Tuesday....

Takeoff in robotics will power the next productivity surge in manufacturing

BCG research predicts that by 2025, adoption of advanced robots will boost productivity by up to 30 percent in many industries, and lower total labor costs by 18 percent or more in countries such as S...

Issues in regulating robocars, and the case for a light hand

All over the world, people (and governments) are debating about regulations for robocars. First for testing, and then for operation. It mostly began when Google encouraged the state of Nevada to write...

Canada’s approach to risk management for nighttime drone flights

  03 Mar 2015
The FAA’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for small unmanned aircraft systems (SUAS) limits SUAS operations to daylight hours. The FAA concedes that the restriction on nighttime flights may neg...

Livestream: Rodney Brooks, Abhinav Gupta, Andrew McAfee on AI and the rise of robots

  27 Feb 2015
Livestream of the Council of Foreign Relations' Malcolm and Carolyn Wiener Annual Lecture on Science and Technology starting 02/27/2015 at 12:45 EST....

Minesweepers uses robotics’ awesomeness to raise awareness about landmines & explosive remnants of war

  27 Feb 2015
Paul Jefferson, one of the earliest humanitarian deminers, said “a landmine is the perfect soldier: Ever courageous, never sleeps, never misses”. The simplicity and cost-effectiveness of mines are...

Should a care robot bring an alcoholic a drink? It depends on who owns the robot

In a care scenario, a robot may have been purchased by the patient, by the doctor or hospital (which sent it home with the patient to monitor their health), or by a concerned family member who wants t...

Forget Singularity, let’s talk Multiplicity: Ken Goldberg on AI at the WEF

  23 Feb 2015
Each January, the World Economic Forum's (WEF) annual meeting takes place in Davos, Switzerland. This event is one of the preeminent economic conferences in the world, and this year, there was a majo...

FAA regulations draw inspiration from Canada, but miss key aspect

  19 Feb 2015
Various aspects of the anticipated proposed small UAS (sUAS) regulations that were released by the FAA draw inspiration from Canada’s approach to regulation. In fact, the FAA provides a handy compar...

Summary of the FAA’s proposed drone regulations

  19 Feb 2015
This past Sunday the FAA held a conference call to announce its highly anticipated small UAS (sUAS) regulations. Sunday morning might strike as odd timing, however it’s likely that the timing had t...

Maybe we need an automation tax

  18 Feb 2015
Imagine that a large company decides to significantly increase the level of automation at one of its facilities. A facility that currently employs a substantial number of men and women doing relativel...

Small UAV coalition applauds the FAA’s release of the proposed suas rule as a good first step for industry

  15 Feb 2015
The Small UAV Coalition is very pleased the FAA has at long last published its proposed small unmanned aerial systems (sUAS) rule. At this time the proposed rule has not been made available to the pub...

Possible Leaked FAA Document Provides Hints Regarding Proposed Rulemaking for sUAS

  15 Feb 2015
A new document purporting to be prepared by the FAA Office of Aviation Policy and Plans provides hints regarding the anticipated proposed small UAS (sUAS) regulations. The possible leaked document is ...

Robots for Humanity inspires

  12 Feb 2015
Henry Evans had a brain stem stroke in 2002 that left him quadriplegic. Since then he has turned to robotics to unlock his abilities. Robots For Humanity ( is a project that chronicles Henry...

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