How will robots shape the future of war?  I don’t know. I think that the more important question, however, is: what role should robots have in warfare?
In my answer I have tried (as much as is h...
Link to audio file (22:47)
In this episode, we talk with Kate Darling from the MIT Media Lab, about giving rights to social robots. She tells us about a recent Pleo torture session she organized at...
This article looks at the arrival of systems such as Siri, Google Now, and Watson and claims that these systems are the search engines of the next decade because they mine intimate data. Since they ...
Astronauts: awesome, but only human
It's cold out there beyond the blue. Full of radiation. Low on breathable air. Vacuous. It's hard to keep machines and organic creatures functioning and/or alive....
The Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at the University of Zurich, organizer of the ShanghAI Lectures, celebrates its 25th anniversary with a big robot festival on 8 and 9 March 2013 in Zurich....
Robots for manufacturing. Generating a new family of robots that have a
fluent interaction with humans. It will be easily programmable. Some would
argue that Baxter provides this functionality. Unfo...
Robots parodying the latest video hits are cute but some choreographers, artists and human-robot interaction specialists have pushed the boundary of how humans and robots move in fascinating ways. Tho...
Link to audio file (34:22)In today’s episode we speak with Chris Chesher about how he views the emergence of robotics. He brings a new and interesting perspective as his approach mixes science and ...
For those of you who aren't familiar with Asimov's Laws of Robotics: First Law: A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.See on
Link to audio file (34:39)
Link to transcript
In today’s episode we speak with Rodney Brooks at the offices of Rethink Robotics about their first product Baxter, his ambition to revolutionize manu...
Link to audio file (31:50)In this episode, we talk to Mary-Anne Williams, knowledge engineer and roboticist from the University of Technology in Sydney Australia (UTS). Her work focuses on cognitive m...
Link to audio file (29:34)In this interview recorded at the Robotdalen Robotics Innovation Challenge, Professor Paolo Dario talks to Per about 3 conceptual waves of innovation, starting with industria...
Today’s devices are becoming smarter and connected. They sense their environment, process the data collected and act upon their decisions autonomously or semi-autonomously.  The transformation is ...
In Lyon, France, 14th to 16th March, 2012. Save the date!By Frank Tobe, Editor/Publisher, The Robot Report ( Catherine Simon, General Secretary, French Federation of Rob...
Finding ways to easily teach service robots new motions will be key to their integration in our everyday environments. Ideally, teaching a robot should be no different than teaching a human.
For examp...
Shimon is an interactive robotic marimba player that can improvise both music and choreography in real-time to the melody of a human pianist.
Playing an instrument does not make you a musician. To bec...
The most famous humanoid robot, Honda’s ASIMO has a new version. A few days ago Honda presented a more advanced model and performed a small display of its new capabilities. Meanwhile the robotics se...
In this recently released TED talk, Dennis Hong from VirginiaTech presents all the recent developments of his RoMeLa Robotics & Mechanisms Laboratory...
Link to audio file (24:44)In today’s episode we meet with Natalie Freed, David Robert and Adam Setapen from Cynthia Breazeal’s Personal Robots Group at the MIT Media Lab. They’ll be ...
Link to audio file (26:48)The European Robotics Forum, jointly organized by the European Robotics Technology Platform (EUROP) and the European Robotics Research Network (EURON), was hosted this year o...
Link to audio file (29:18)In today’s episode we look at a novel way to interact with your robot: through mind control. Raul Rojas returns to our show to talk about how his AutoNOMOS team used br...
Link to audio file (37:08)In today’s show we’ll have a look at the next killer application in robotics, telepresence. The idea is simple, instead of planning a bothersome phone or video co...
Link to audio file (51:04)
In today’s episode we take a deeper look at what’s behind the hype over autonomous vehicles, and talk to two experts in the field, Alberto Broggi, leader of the Vislab ...
Robots are portrayed as tomorrows helpers, be it in schools, hospitals, workplaces or homes. Unfortunately, such robots won’t be truly useful out-of-the-box because of the complexity of real-wor...
Link to audio file (29:25)Today’s episode was recorded at the Personal Robots Group at the MIT Media Lab in the middle of some beautifully expressive robots such as the Huggable, Tofu and Leonar...
Link to audio file (25:07)Today’s episode was recorded at ICRA in Anchorage Alaska, one of the major conferences in robotics with a 1575 head count and 857 papers. At the robot exhibit, we met w...
Link to audio file (49:54)Welcome to the second part of our 50th episode special! To celebrate 50 episodes of Robots, we’re doing a review of some of the greatest advances in robotics during the...
Link to audio file (41:35)Today we celebrate the 50th episode of ROBOTS!
For the occasion we speak with 12 scientists about the most remarkable developments in robotics over the last 50 years and the...
Link to audio file (44:35)In this episode we stray into the realm of artificial intelligence, what it means, its early beginnings and where it may be going in the future. We speak with Kristinn R. ThÃ...
Link to audio file (19:17)
For this special episode, we’ll be speaking with three people who made it into Christine’s news section for a debriefing on why their robot was such a breakth...
Link to audio file (31:57)Take the 5-minute survey to help us improve ROBOTS!
With the holiday season ahead of us and Christmas dinners already started, many of us are starting to feel the pinch at ...
Link to audio file (49:44)In this episode we speak with two experts in robot learning. Andrea Thomaz from Georgia Tech looks at how humans can teach and humanoids learn with the hope to create good hu...
Link to audio file (34:15)In today’s show we’ll be looking at robots used for the rehabilitation of stroke patients. Our first guest, Ludovic Dovat for the National University of Singapore...
Link to audio file (42:48)In today’s episode we look at how technology can improve the quality of life of people with dementia. Our first guest, Roger Orpwood, is the director of the Bath Instit...
Link to audio file (36:08)Today marks Robots’ 1-year anniversary, so
Happy Birthday Robots!!
In today’s show we talk about a fresh and unique project coming from the Technical University...